Erin Naylor
{K:173} 1/27/2003
email: enaylor4@msn.com
Matt, when did you come to Boise?
Erin Naylor
{K:173} 1/27/2003
sorry, i guess i didn't know that MK, but yes thats the one. I love to come here a lot. My first picture taking was here. It is a nice place.
Matt Oulman
{K:1052} 1/27/2003
Yes, I know that. The Morrison-Knutsen Nature Center is along the Boise River, just across Southcenter Blvd a few blocks from the Green Belt Trail.
Erin Naylor
{K:173} 1/27/2003
Matt, this Nature Center is in Boise, Idaho.
Matt Oulman
{K:1052} 1/27/2003
Is this the MK Nature Center? Looks like it is - I was just there a few months ago and took some picks. Nice place.
samantha marie
{K:378} 1/15/2003
I agree. It looks like it was done on the computer so it can be taken away if the original is still saved. It is distracting since its such a big portion right in the middle. I would like to see it in focus.
Martin Wipp
{K:211} 1/15/2003
I like this picture from composition point of view. Nice framing using the trees/bushes on either side of the bridge. What is going on with the trees in the background (above the bridge)? It seems unnatural for the background to go so out of focus when you have great DOF from the foreground to the bridge. Did you blur that digitally? Kind of distracting. I'd rather see the foreground out of focus and the background brought in clear.