City - Plymouth, Medicine Lake State - MN Country - United States
Picture is from art concept where Ice Houses made by Mpls artists are built on one of our local lakes. Let me set up a possible scenario on how such a bizarre concept could occur.
The gloom of late November hung over Pierre Johannson's heart like a Butterball turkey with lead dressing. He laid on the floor of his loft bemoaning the lose of his girlfriend Fiona to her tattoo artist/lesbian lover who as fate would have it was also Pierre's step sister, Svenella. Inspiration hit Pierre amidst the empty Starback cups and Organic Baked Soy Ganola Mix bags, "Eureka, I must create, oui,I must build ze best Ice house in ze world, you betcha ya!" (Pierre was after all half Swedish and half French, uh-la, uff-da, so to speak.) And thus Pierre's masterpiece, "James Dean in neon blue and other bizarre crap" was created; until spring came and melted it into oblivion. But hey thats why they invented Starbucks anyway, to caffinate away our sorrows. Ze End, ya sure.
PS Actual Ice House was built by High School Art students form Armstrong H.S., hats off for brightening up a long grey winter.
I hope you enjoy both equally. I'm toying with new portfolio titled Worth a Thousand Words for when I get these wild rambling urges on some of my photos.
Well you certrainly brightened up my rainy Oregon day here Larry. I actually let out a loud laugh prompting all the neighbours around me to call off the wake and declare me officially alive after all. Your story was hilarious and I thoroughly enjoyed it. You put a great smile on my face and I do belive you are becoming the man of my dreams with your fantastic sense of humour. Oh and the photo is very cool too. Love it. :)
Larry -- I don't know which I enjoy more, your illustrative photos or your creative story telling! I've heard it said that a picture is worth a thousand words; however, I don't think the originator of that saying has ever heard one of your stories! Love 'em. Keep 'em coming.