Garold Jennings
{K:2513} 3/30/2006
One of my own favorites because of the mood. I thank you friend for the nice words.
Fatemeh Rahimi
{K:13523} 3/28/2006
so mysterious! great silhouette of the trees in front! well done Garold!
Garold Jennings
{K:2513} 2/12/2006
Thank you Devin for looking and commenting on this photo. I appreciate your words. Good luck to you!
Devin Page
{K:63} 2/9/2006
for a B and W conversion this is really good! good mood, and contrast good job Gerold
Garold Jennings
{K:2513} 1/26/2006
Thank You Audrey, for the complement. I also thank you for the information. I've taken photographs for a long time and am just now getting to appreciate how hard it is to make a great shot. Im learning from help like this and others. I will try a lower ISO and go for the shot again. I would like to get the detail in my shots along with tone, like in your photograph "homeward" which I commented on.
Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 1/25/2006
Hello Garold, you have a good eye for composition, which is a real gift for a photographer. The scene here with low fog, distant mount + near tree branches all add up well. The sharpen tool in PS won't really help much here (as you have tried already). I suggest, should you get the chance for another shot at this location, try a camera setting of the smallest aparture (largest number) and sharply focus on one of the nearest branches. Since this is a still scene, a slower then 400 ISO setting will also help give finer detail.
Garold Jennings
{K:2513} 1/25/2006
I agree John, but I'm not very good at PS yet. Tried to sharpen closer branches but effect was not to be desired. I think I was concentrating on the reflection more than the tree and lost both. Oh well maybe next time.LOL
Garold Jennings
{K:2513} 1/25/2006
Thank you Jain. I'm glad you liked it.
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 1/25/2006
wonderful ......
John William
{K:775} 1/25/2006
I like this shot. It would be perfect (to me) if the closest branches were more focused. I like the effect you have with the fog.