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 By: 神 風  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer 神 風  神 風 {Karma:10665}
Project #55 Peace & Tranquility Camera Model VARIOUS CAMERAS
Categories Seascapes
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio IMAGES
Uploaded 2/5/2006 Film / Memory Type VARIOUS FILMS
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 2888 Shutter Various
Favorites Aperture Various
Critiques 46 Rating
/ 25 Ratings
Location City -  Honolulu
State -  HAWAII
Country - United States   United States
About This piece of work and its counterpart, ("SUNSET STRIP"), are ‘Dedicated’ to everyone below who has ever commented on any of my Sunset Images and they are (last names first) in alphabetical order:

Marc Adamus, Alberto Agnoletti, Hakan AKIRMAK, Kawther Al, Sam Andre, Carl Angus, Libero Api, Alan Armanini, Steve Aronoff, Avi, aZiZ, B., Haleh B., Bipradas Banerjee, Mohamed Banna, Nicola Barbieri, Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia, Adelino Barreto, Antonio BauerleinSehnert, Natalie Bauman, Mohsen Bayramnejad, Michelle Beccia, Marusnik Bela, Eduardo Bernardes, Michele Berti, Murat Besbudak, Ania Blazejewska, El Blura, Chris Boivin, Ahmed Borizg, Sandor Botor, Stephen Bowden, Jacques Brisebois, Tim Bronkhorst, Mary Brown, Shane Brown, Adnan Buballo, Jim Budrakey, Megan Bull, Carmem A. Busko, Maya Bylina, Alberto Calheiros, Pavao Calogovic, Bernadette Camus, Sergio Cardenas, Roberto Carli, Michele Carlsen, Mario Carrascoso, Daniel Case, Deniz Cesmeci, Amit Chakravarty, Mahdy Charafeddin, Doyle Chastain, Joao Chaves, Mehul Chimthankar, Tad Cholinski, Luther Chong, Stan Ciszek, Jimmy Clark, Karen Clarke, Greg Collins, Dale Ann Cubbage, Kim Culbert, cytte, Bente D., Richard Dakin, Irenka Daniluk, Berkant Demirbek, Andre Denis, Ali Dewchi, Jose Vasconcelos Dias, Lou Dina, Michel Derksen, Roberta Elena Dragan, Gary Dyck, Harry Eggens, Ameed El-Ghoul, Elisa, Enjoy, Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen, Joanna Ewa, Branimir Fagarazzi, Roberto Arcari Farinetti, Marks Film, Stefan Ulrich Fischer, Dan Fisico, Oscar Flores, Ronald Ford, Michael Fox, Gerhard Fuehring, Craig Garland, Romy Fabian Garmaz, Tom Gessner, Pan Giannakis, Filippo Giorgio, Laurie Gould, Ryan Greene, Shirley Grove, Brenda Guiles, James Hager, LaMaro Hall, Wael Hamdan, Christopher Harder, Armen Haroutunyan, Paul Harrett, Hind S. Al-Hashimy, John Hatz, Teunis Haveman, Ellen Havrilla, Ehdae (Abdullah Al Hazza), Aniko Heart, Mireille Heirendt, Ronen Helman, Susan Hernandez, Nalin Hettiarachchi, Stan Hill, David Hofmann, S.D. Holmes, Gerhard Hoogterp, Peter Hurtubise, Ahmed Ismail, Rita Iszlai, Fadel J., Patrick Jacobson, Ahmed Al-Jaifi, Sanjeev Jain, Yazeed Jalili, Kazik Janeczko, Abeer Al Jarsh, Baqer M. Jawad, Clifton Jones, Jowie, Noemi Jurado, Johnny K., Kambiz K., Parehan .K, Pia K., Mustafa Karacelebi, Peter N. Karalekas, Winfried Karb, Stafan A.F. Kassler, Jonathan Tad Ketchen, Asher Khan, Hussam Al Khoder, Robert Kilgore, Dani Kimel, Sophie King, Brian Kinney, Barbara Kite, Anne Knes, Kristina Kohut, Milan Korman, Gunter Koth, Piotr Kowalik, Matthew Knafel, Anne Knes, Ahmet Baki Kocaballi, Kristina Kohut, Richard Koth, Ilona Krijgsman, Lukasz Kuczkowski, Mattia L., Klaus LaRocca, Jon Lavelle, Catalin Lazaroiu, Rachel Leah, Izudin Lelic, Pedro Liborio, Dan Lightner, Giancarlo Liguori, Bryan Lim, Xerxes Lim, Kenneth C. Long Sr., John Loreaux, Milton Louizidis, Salvador Maria Lozada, V M, Sarah M, Linda Mac Donald, Massimo Di Maggio, Adam Mamok, Marco Maresca, George Marks, Vadim Marmer, Miguel Tito Martins, Rossari Maurizio, Francesca May, James McConnell, Trish McCoy, Gregory McLemore, Sarah M., M.M. Meehan, Michael Mellen, Joana Melo, Walt Mesk, Mia …, Jordi Millas, A J Miller, Mitchell Miller, Orazio Minnella, Phillip Minnis, Galal El Missary, Amir Mohammadi, Ivan Mollebjerg, Darinka Montico, Flavio Moore, Enas Moussa, Mundh, NN, Dee N., Mrinmoy Nag, Patrizio Napolitano, Mitra Nademi-Nassari, Larissa Nazarova, Heather Neckers, Vandy Neculae, Erik Neldner, Kaj Nielsen, None, Andre Novak, Kevin Nugent, Spasojevic Ognjen, Emrah Onal, David Orea, Kinglsey Orsmond, Gerry Pacher, Rick Page, Painsama, Samuele Paladini, T-zone Palermo, Davide Lupo-Pasini, Jimmy Payne, Marta Pereyra, Domenico Pescosolido, Gabriele Pfund, Sheryl Phillips, Joao F Photography, Paul’s Photos, Marco Piantedosi, Hugo Pierre, Piotr, John Pitman, Alicia Popp, Andrzej Pradzynski, Bradley Prue, Dmitry Pushilov, Brigitte R., Moe Rabie, Tomo Radovanovic, Absher Rashid, Rebecca Raybon, Jorg Reif, Valerij Reznikov, Osvaldo Rima, Rina, Tyler Russell, Peter De Rycke, M.S., Sethu S, Saintz Saintz2, Jani Salvataggio, Sergio Sanchez, Willie Sanford, Gabor Sas, Gust@vo Sch3v3rin, Cary Schaffer, Eric Schneider, Andy Seehusen, Vanessa Shakesheff, Amna Al Shamsi, Saeed Al Shamsi, Himadri Sharma, Antonio Silva, Luis Silva, Tobiasz Siotor, Peggy Christine Skinner, Joggie Van Staden, Ace Star, Joe Stewart, Lori Stitt, Ron Stowell, Gyorgy Szonyi, Maryam Tabatabaei, Gabriela Tanaka, Denis Tangney, Burak Tanriover, Joao Tavares, Moji Tehrani, Ibrahim Teke, M. Tigrek, Michalis Stama Togiannis, Ryan Torres, Cecilia Tovini, In Transit, Orchid Tropic, Vincent K. Tylor, Elena Tunik, Txules, Kostas Tzanetos, Paulo Uemura, Elly Uiterwijk, Salvo Valenti, Marta Valentinyi, Ray Vann, Luisa Vassallo, Maria Luisa Vial, Ana Vianna, Edlira Voges, Rachel Leah Volkel, Barry Wakelin, Jamie Walker, Martijn Wams, Laphael Wang, Terry Ward, Nigel Watts, Todd Wedgworth, Bruce Wertz, Petal Wijnen, Dan Wilson, Hugo de Wolf, xyx, David Yates, Reyhan Yaz, Carl Yeager, Feng Yikang, Wolf Zorrito, HLL 1310, and 1301307 60.

New names will be added not out of manipulation, but rather out of reciprocation of gratitude as there are new Commentators. Many Sincere Thanks and with the Very Best of Regards!
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There are 46 Comments in 1 Pages
Ania Blazejewska Ania Blazejewska   {K:23981} 9/6/2011
thanks a lot Sunset Man!
excellent photos!


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 9/1/2011
Dear Sunset Man!

First, thank You very much the invitation!:) You honor me!

This montage and the original photos are a excellent work.

If I should make a choice the best photo, I would not know it!:)
Very well done Sunset Man!!!

Best regards,
Jani from Hungary


Mia ... Mia ...   {K:2993} 9/1/2011
Heavens Galore!
Well, I can't find my name in there but you did send me an invite so I can do no less than to honor your request ans swing by for a look. This is an excellent collage of beautiful sunsets and I am again honored to have been invited her to view it.
Ciao, Mia


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 8/31/2011 a powerful of the sun..
and the sunset man..


Salvador  Lozada   {K:5615} 8/29/2011
Thanks so much, dear Sunset.
I really appreciate.


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 8/29/2011
. BUT .
I thank you, Sir, on this interest.
Also thank you for this effort, which Belth for continuation of the Forum. But I truly believe that this prevented the site in agony.
I do not know what the real reason behind the dying.
Perhaps the founders of this site may be left without attention. Bhaz and that the participants when they see that no one cares about them. Will be bored.
Something and something everyone is thinking to withdraw. The reason is that no one


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 8/29/2011
Hi Douglas !
I do not see my name , but I appreciate your comment to invite me to see this great beauty !
I'll try to come back soon.
Health and Happiness


Kenan Pajević Kenan Pajević    {K:3169} 11/28/2009
Indeed :) I can only imagine how it is to photograph these landscapes, these beautiful one o a kind happenings :) This collection is allso great!!! My very best best best regards, Kenan


Mitra Nademi-Nassari Mitra Nademi-Nassari   {K:28234} 9/28/2009
Beautiful work as always! :)
Thank you Doug for your kind dedication.


Gary Auerbach Gary Auerbach   {K:3935} 7/16/2007

All the shots are nice, none are spectacular because of the presentation. I don't understand this dedication ....I like your work. Not necessarily this presentation of it. Individually too small. This is no assault on your technique as a photographer....You are obviously very talented.


Rick Koth Rick Koth   {K:2971} 6/10/2007
OK, so now my eyes hurt from all the reading. I did find my name in there though. The cool thing is that I recognise about 1/2 the names in the list. I guess I've been hanging around here longer than I thought. Well thanks for the dedication "SUNSET". Take care.


Wez   Wez     {K:14339} 3/1/2007
Great work!


Michael Schuier Michael Schuier   {K:4804} 7/21/2006
These are so beautiful. All of them are so different, but they all show the many beauties of the sun. You always capture it so well. The colors, tones, and light rays are always a great sight to see. It is always a pleasure to see them.


Baqer M. Jawad   {K:500} 4/30/2006
Wow ,, This is great one , really Incredible ..
I like every frame .. and the way you have presented .. excellent Douglas and CONGRATS


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 4/21/2006
I am pleased to have my name added to your list on this superb collage.


So Cal Photograhper   {K:18529} 4/12/2006
Superb image of all the sunsets presented as a "quilt".

The dedication to all must really be appreciated by all.

Well done!



davide lupo-pasini davide lupo-pasini   {K:8079} 3/31/2006
looking at this composition, i feel the same emotion that i prove when i watch slides on the light table
so many tiny beautiful images, colorful and lot of little details to look at....
very intense
thank u again for my name on the list, but the first u've to thank, are YOU!
congrats again, Doug!


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 3/29/2006
Lovely dedication and collage of lovely views..nessa


Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP   {K:18382} 3/19/2006
A Tableau with dream-subjects for each photographer and wonderfully in scene set. Regards Gerhard


good bye !!! good bye !!!   {K:259} 3/6/2006
This is somthing to be proud of! Very nicely done.


mohamed fathalla mohamed fathalla   {K:1090} 3/5/2006
nice collection
but the white border is so disturbing to see all the pic at all as one pic but in other side it make you see every pic alone


György Szönyi György Szönyi   {K:10011} 3/3/2006
Thank you for the lovely dedication, Doug! The quilt is a really nice idea and presents a great menu of sunsets and other lovely nature shots. SUrprisingly, even with this thumbnail size most of them are enjoyable. Thanks once again and grat: Gyorgy


Very cool title! My dad is a prolific quilter, and your title made me think, you could turn this collage into a photo quilt. Why not. We know it's possible to print photos on fabric. It's done all the time on T-shirts. You should collaborate with a professional quilter and make this into an actual photographic quilt. Start a whole new trend--Photo Quilts.

Thanks for including me in your dedication. I'm honoured (Canadian spelling).


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 3/3/2006
the finest sunsets in a wonderful collage!!!!! excellent work by you dear Douglas!!!!!
am very honored my name being in your dedication list!!!!! thank you very much!!!!


Sergio  Cárdenas Sergio  Cárdenas   {K:25028} 3/1/2006
Beautiful dedication!
I like very much the sunset photographies, and in this here we have a great example of very great pictures. To my favs!!
Great work, congratulations.
Many regards


Zé Ovo   {K:7579} 2/27/2006
Very nice composition and work in PS!!
Regards from Brazil!


Ron Wilson Ron Wilson   {K:18362} 2/27/2006
Some real nice shot. Presentation in a collage is a great idea, the individual framing is a tad overbearing. Regards, Ron.


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 2/26/2006
thanks for the dedication!!


Laercio Gomes Laercio Gomes   {K:3645} 2/26/2006
Boa idéia! Lindas fotos!


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 2/25/2006

amazing work
great study
rising my hat

should all the UF friend send u a great big thanks ;)


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 2/25/2006
What a brilliant idea, you have so special collection of art work.
This is absolutely marvelous job.
Thanks for the dedication.


Nigel Watts.   {K:5236} 2/23/2006
Wonderful compilation of sunset photographs and all so different :)
Great photograph


Gabriela Tanaka Gabriela Tanaka   {K:16594} 2/22/2006
This is perfect! This is outstanding!This is tremendously beautiful!Not only are you a talented photographer, I believe you are a perfectionist,too! I made it a fav ( in case you take your show and leave, I can keep this one!)
Best regards,


Romy Fabian Garmaz   {K:17105} 2/21/2006
great idea, great about, fantatic job


Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 2/21/2006
oh my ... About got changed! i can see my name in the list hehe :)

grt job by putting all names together like the image :)

best of luck brother


John Pitman   {K:8473} 2/21/2006
Great composition and well presented. Must have taken you some time to sort all the names out. John


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 2/20/2006
Incredible Collage Doug!!!!
This is really something!!
Just beautiful!!!
I like every frame included in this!!
Fun to gaze upon!!!!!
Thanks for the mention also!!!
Check out My latest, something for You!!!!
My best....................John
7 !


Ivan Jimenez   {K:9078} 2/15/2006
I dont understand... I have commented your images before but I dont show up on your dedication.
You will get a call from my lawyers.


Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 2/11/2006
Dear Douglas.... because you've asked so nicely... ;-D!!!


Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 2/11/2006
Fabulous composition/combination!!! My only critique is they're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too small... LOL!!! With this you really give credit to the name Sunset man... great job!!!


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 2/11/2006
Gosh... feel like such a big boob now. I'm more than certain that everyone on your dedication list would agree that your work is outstanding. Very honoured to be included Douglas. Thank you.



mundh    {K:3974} 2/8/2006
hey douglas this is really a cool idea.some of ur u beautiful n outstading shots in one page.


Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 2/5/2006
hi Mr Sunset man :) u put the whole show in here .... Chees! u must be gone wild today hehe LoL
excellent wqork douglas! now i dont need to explore your portfolio its all here now
+7 gone to my fav and on to wallpaper Cheers!

Wish you all the best


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 2/5/2006
Beautiful collection,
this must have taken a bit of time!
Lori :)


Elena Tunik Elena Tunik   {K:552} 2/5/2006
Excellent and beautifull photos!


Chris Boivin Chris Boivin   {K:9030} 2/5/2006
Beautiful collage Douglas, excellent presentation.
Best Regards,




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