Ewa Brzozowska
{K:391} 7/10/2006
o jakie to ładneee
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 4/20/2006
Excelent work top class photograph dear Magda !! joão
Magda Marczewska
{K:635} 4/14/2006
She is holding the stones and the title is "Fate" :) thank you and take care Magda
Jon O'Brien
{K:11321} 4/14/2006
Very 1920s-ish... the deliberate blur works well, as does the B&W... I can't tell what she's holding, or discern their significance, so without any other clues to help me with them (like a title) they distract from the image (for me!)
Debasish Ghosh
{K:5526} 3/13/2006
Excellent B&W work. Nice perspective.
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 3/11/2006
Madda, The picture is blurry a bit, but I know it's a part of your glamourish expression - works great here. The portrait is monochrome and I know it's a part of your expression here. I like the composition - cool and impressive indeed. Nice goldhair model and the rich fill of the frame. Fantastyczne, Cheers, n.j
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 3/2/2006
I like this one Magda.