This is technically excellent, the capture of detail in the subject, the framing, the subduing of any distraction in the background by use of very limited depth of field.
However, it leaves me quite uninvolved. One problem with it from my point of view, is that you are just copying someone else's 'act', you haven't added anything of your own. I assume it is just person pretending to be a statue. What is your attitude to this? What is the attitude of other bystanders to this? In what context is this person pretending to be a statue? Etc etc.
I assume this is part of a series. As such, some of the answers to these questions might be clearer. But, as a standalone image, it commands respect for your technique, but little else.
OK, lets go:). good things are extracting the motive from the background + very accurate framing. the moment is quite easy to understand & something seems to happen. on the other hand, bad things, the extracting itsels is highly demanding on motive, which imho cant draw so much attention. framing, as well, make it less dynamic, making it more excentric would really help plus picking up some context, reaction, in the background. another thing is the light, which is really flat but not disturbing on the other hand:). the last point is the motive, which leaves some doubts if its a statue or a man.
well, quite long but sincere:)). cheers... PS. colors are OK:)