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Maranjob's Caravansary
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Image Title:  Maranjob's Caravansary
Favorites: 0 
 By: Kambiz K  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Kambiz K  Kambiz K {Karma:37420}
Project #33 Pictures of Famous Places Camera Model Pent
Categories From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio Architecture
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Uploaded 3/13/2006 Film / Memory Type no
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Critiques 36 Rating
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Country - Iran   Iran
About Maranjob Caravansary which was built in 1012 A.H at a Silk Road detour is one of these golden-age structures. It is located in a 50-kilometer distance of Aran Bidgol city beside the Salt Lake and huge dunes.
A 'caravan' in Persian means a group of travelers or merchants banded together and organized for mutual assistance and defense while traveling through unsettled or hostile country. Caravan trade is associated with the history of Iran and the Middle East as far back as the records of ancient civilizations extend and seems to have been well developed before maritime commerce began.
It is evident that all trade from one fertile area to another in this region had to be organized from the first, since long distances of desert trail separated settled parts and since local governments could not guarantee protection against tribes eager to loot and pillage. Such wares as jewels, spices, perfumes, dyes, metals, rare woods, ivory, oils, and textiles (chiefly silk) are associated with the trade. Camels were the main catties from Egypt and Iran to Mesopotamia and throughout the Arabian Peninsula. They were also introduced into North Africa and Sahara region in the 3rd century AD. Donkeys were used in Iran and Asia Minor. Trade naturally prospered in the period of great empires, when the caravan routes could be controlled and protected; and it was to secure control of such routes that many wars were fought and conquests made in the ancient times.
Iranian Empire and later governments, religious foundations, merchants' guilds, as well as the local notables and rulers provided for the establishment of caravansaries, or inns, for the accommodation of travelers along the way. Such improvements facilitated the movement of troops to protect the routes. Cities rose and fell in ancient times in proportion to the rise and fall in the trade of the caravan routes upon which they were located. Most of these are derelict today. But, even as ruins, ;they are readily recognizable, invariably built round a square -in fact like the courtyard of a mosque on the four-ivan plan. Architecturally, the simple design of Iran's caravansaries provided security and privacy for the traveler, protection for the animals, and through the extra story over the arch of the main entrance facing the highroad, control over admissions. According to A U Pope, never was the Persian facility for practical planning better demonstrated. In large towns caravansary, bazaar, and mosque were frequently contiguous. The grandest and remotest caravansaries often housed a mosque of their own within their precincts.
When you inquire the age of a caravansary in modern Iran, you are generally told that it dates from the time of Shah Abbas. This is a deceptive generalization and a term applied indiscriminately to all caravansaries built between the late 16th- 19th centuries AD. They were for the most part in operation until the late 19th century, and it is only since the arrival of the motor car that they have fallen into decay.
For more information you could look at the following link:
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There are 36 Comments in 1 Pages
Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 6/23/2006
Thank you Jose for your comment.


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 6/22/2006
great compsoition. marvelous tones. superb.


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 6/9/2006
Salam Kiarang
Ba tashakkur for your comment.


Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 6/8/2006
Nice composition, maybe some better in BW convert!


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 5/20/2006
Chokh memnoun Ivan for your comment.


Ivan Jimenez   {K:9078} 5/18/2006
Great story.. we have quite a few of those in Turkey, some of them have been restored to their former glory (actually, no doubt they look much better now) and are catering the needs of spoiled tourists instead of merchants..
Beautiful places, great composition.


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 5/16/2006
Thank you Sava.


Sava Savic Sava Savic   {K:326} 5/16/2006
Excellent photo, bravo...
Place , intersting...


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 4/23/2006
Salam Shahram
Ba tashakkur for your comment.


shahram jahansooz shahram jahansooz   {K:54} 4/23/2006
thansk for your comment dear kambiz. chek it


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/27/2006
Thank you Rui for your comment.


Rui Marques   {K:767} 3/27/2006
Wonderful perspective! Great shot.. very good! Congrats! :)


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/24/2006
Thank you Sting for your comment.


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 3/24/2006
Beautifully composed Kambiz and an excellent framing provided by the arch, the colours and details are wonderful. Thank-you also for the very interesting and educational'about'. Best wishes....Ray


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/16/2006
Thank you Leonardo for your comment.
Leonardo do NOT forget that any image WITHOUT any IDs would be nohing.
Now few people love to view, but perhaps majority would like to inform themselves about that event inside the image by looking at history, date, time, place, etc .....


Leo Régnier  Я£ Leo Régnier  Я£   {K:67696} 3/16/2006
Nice picture Kanbiz, but I“m very tired to read all your explanation...
Sorry my friend!


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/15/2006
Thank you Czeslav for your comment.


Czeslav Gavinkovski Czeslav Gavinkovski   {K:6800} 3/15/2006
Great and very interesting compo with the natural frame.


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/15/2006
Thank you Lorri for your comment.


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/15/2006
Thanks Joćo


Lorri Shank   {K:214} 3/15/2006
I love the way you framed this with the arch. The symmetry is lovely.


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 3/15/2006
Greaty compo here Kambiz!


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/14/2006
Salam Kamran Jon
Ba tashakkur for your comment.


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/14/2006
Salam Fatemeh Khanum
Ba tashakkur for your comment.

By the way who is Kamran???!


Kamran Bakhtiari Kamran Bakhtiari   {K:24048} 3/14/2006
nice Architecture capture with useful about,well done


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 3/14/2006
it's great! the angle is perfect! nicely framed in a brick-made arch!
thanks for information too!
well done Kamran!


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/14/2006
Thank you Guili for your comment.


Oui Lee Oui Lee   {K:3238} 3/13/2006
fantastic composition and excellent story.


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/13/2006
Thank you Doyle for your comment.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 3/13/2006
Thanks for sharing this wonderful shot and the many words you used to educate us about it. I love the way you used the arch as a natural frame for the capture and the colors feel quite warm.

Doyle I


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/13/2006
Thank you Erol for your comment.


erol angin   {K:729} 3/13/2006
Great image,wonderful contrastand very pleasant.


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/13/2006
Thank you Mohamed el-Issa for your comment.


Mohamed Hussien Mohamed Hussien   {K:8371} 3/13/2006
very very nice picture as the details and description. great perspective as M.Banna have said.


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 3/13/2006
Thank you Mohamed for your comment.


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 3/13/2006
great perspective
amazing angle nad composition
well done




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