Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 8/2/2006
An emphasizing light and figure, you have used lens very well ro creat some different perspective. bravo!
Mark Longo
{K:12760} 6/4/2006
Like the pose very much. The symmetric aspects of shape & flesh tone to both right and left balanced by a block of color in the center bring an aspect of absrtact geometry to the shot. Fantastic lighting also.
Eric Simpson
{K:2348} 5/30/2006
My monitor is fully calibrated. I'm not seeing any blue in this photo and when I pull it into PS, I'm not seeing it on the histogram to any great proportion, either.
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 5/30/2006
less blue

Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 5/30/2006
I love the lighting and the creative pose. Beautiful shot. The panoramic crop is great. I thought of bringing out the colors of her pretty dress out more and also get rid of the very faint blue cast on the right.

Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/30/2006
Hi Eric, The suggestion of crouching down to fit the panoramic image aspects works very well here, Very cool idea, and definitely one to keep in mind. Other than that a clean, well lit image; the flat light and softness fit the image and high key background very well. Expertly taken.
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 4/30/2006
very nice portrait. is it possibly a bit oversharpened? great stuff. erik
Luis Limchiu
{K:3168} 4/30/2006
The lighting is perfect. The pose of the model is rather unnatural. The right arm and hand i feel distracts from the main figure, would be better closer to the body.