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The Little Vampire
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Image Title:  The Little Vampire
Favorites: 13 
 By: Melanie Reynolds  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Melanie Reynolds  Melanie Reynolds {Karma:9096}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Sony Cybershot DSC-F828
Categories Children
Film Format
Portfolio Children
Hayden B
Lens N/A
Uploaded 6/6/2006 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 4427 Shutter
Favorites 13  Aperture f/
Critiques 44 Rating
/ 10 Ratings
Location City -  Tehachapi
Country - United States   United States
About This is the same image previously posted titled Hayden Brady (my son), only I added a moonlight filter for effect. Really makes his eyes stand out.
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There are 44 Comments in 1 Pages
Kralik Dr Jaroslav Kralik Dr Jaroslav   {K:3385} 8/28/2010
WOOOOW! Superb Melanie!


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 8/28/2010
fine portrait.


Umberto Fortini Umberto Fortini   {K:3309} 10/27/2009
Excellent, Melanie. Another favorites...


Tabitha Woods   {K:8650} 6/29/2006
Congrats!! Gee he's got stunning eyes also! Great shot Melanie, well done!
Regards :O)


Kay McIntire   {K:11787} 6/27/2006
AWESOME details in those beautiful eyes! What a gorgeous child! Very well done- I love this one!


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 6/27/2006
CONGRATS FOR SC! your son is so soulful looking and will be a babe magnet in the near future if isn't already!....impressive exposure and very well composed,,why aren't YOU modeling any longer?...even University art depts. need models...not a bad part time gig,eh?
regards,gayle 7+


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 6/27/2006
Thanks, Maurizio! You are not the first to mention the title. I titled it that because my son loves vampire movies and one of his favorite vampire movies is with small children and it is called "The Little Vampire". He got a kick out of seeing himself as the little vampire )


Armend Nimani Armend Nimani   {K:1005} 6/27/2006
very nice portrait congrats


Maurizio Massetti Maurizio Massetti   {K:30463} 6/27/2006
The contrast and the colors really make her pop off the page... Excellent balance of tones and perfect details with a usual innocent expression. The only thing I don't like is the title...


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/27/2006
Melanie wins another Staff Choice Award!!

Go girl.


mehmet saraç   {K:631} 6/27/2006
great capture and cute model!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 6/27/2006
oh melanie...
i'm without words, fantastic and favorites.. really really cool eyes..
brava and congrats


Noha Michael Noha Michael   {K:187} 6/27/2006
Wow Melanie...u got a serious heartbreaker here.

Nice timeless portraits.


Ron Wilson Ron Wilson   {K:18362} 6/27/2006
super shot Melanie. Congrats on SC. The hair frames the shot really nicely. Thoses eyes are to die for. Regards Ron.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 6/27/2006
Congrats on the well deserved SC for this shot! It's truly amazing. I have to say it reminds me very much of the now famous eyes of the Afghanistan girl on the cover of National Geographic! The eyes are almost hypnotic. Since he's your son . . . I'll not scold you for calling this "The Little Vampire". Perhaps "Future Heartbreaker" would have been more apropros!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Jimmy  Piper Jimmy  Piper   {K:5742} 6/27/2006
very awesome shot, well done...


Fabiola Barrientos Fabiola Barrientos   {K:8169} 6/27/2006
Que niño mas lindo.Increibles ojos y mirada.Que buena mezcla hay aquí. Mis felicitaciones.


Luke Luther   {K:14693} 6/27/2006
what a beautiful child, Melanie. I hope you have this one printed, as it is excellent. The eyes are all that much more interesting.


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/27/2006
I saw this before and commented on how it stood out. I am so gald to see it featured on the Home Page. Congratulations on SC.


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 6/12/2006
Thanks a bunch, Peta! Your work is really amazing and keeps getting better! I appreciate your comment! )


p e t a . p e t a .   {K:18700} 6/11/2006
So wondeful Melanie, wow. Excellent to see you've been given awards lately, they are so well deserved. I especially like his hair framing up his left eye!


Rona K **   {K:2375} 6/10/2006
Well Good Lord, I guess I have not been on here in awhile. This is great! Cheers to you! and what a perfect little model he is.


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 6/9/2006
Thanks Abel! We just took this one outside. It was a little overcast. The only thing I did was add a "moonlight" filter in my editing program and erased the eyes so that the natural color came through.


delete my account   {K:3679} 6/7/2006
Didn't you use any special lights or stuff? And really wondered how you got those eyes that speaking?


Marta Azevedo   {K:4237} 6/7/2006


Peter Skjold Petersen Peter Skjold Petersen   {K:971} 6/6/2006
Excellent picture !!!!!


whoiswho t whoiswho t   {K:10700} 6/6/2006
he is a wonderful son...
i love his photos serie.
my regards...


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 6/6/2006
Excellent !!!!!!!!


Giulio Rotelli Giulio Rotelli   {K:28441} 6/6/2006
congratulations for the POD: your son inspire you a lot in a beautyfull creative serie...


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 6/6/2006
You are right, Howie! He really is. Thank you for your comments, they mean a lot!


Howie Mudge Howie Mudge   {K:27933} 6/6/2006
The eyes really are impressive here and so crystal clear. He's growing up very quickly Melanie and your capture does him full justice.


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/6/2006
His eyes really do stand out. They are captivating. Your crop really presents your marvelous portrait well. Superb.


a. M. a. M.   {K:9020} 6/6/2006
those eyes are surreal. just makes you stare at them..great closeup


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 6/6/2006
Encantadorra niña... qué facciones y ojos tan bellos!!!.Felicitaciones!


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/6/2006
Steely eyes and dispassionate gaze. This is emotional in its lack of emotion.


Miguel Angel Muñoz Miguel Angel Muñoz   {K:1164} 6/6/2006
Excelente! 7/7


OMran Isso OMran Isso   {K:1723} 6/6/2006
wow .... nice pic ..


Dado    {K:1190} 6/6/2006
She is very cute. She's got beautiful eyes.
Very nice portrait.
Best Regards


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 6/6/2006
Thanks, Andy!

Here is the link for the plug in:

I believe it is meant for Photo Shop, but I use Paint Shop Pro.


Chris Boivin Chris Boivin   {K:9030} 6/6/2006
Excellent detail Melanie. I do like the eyes and the composition for this portrait is very good. I especially like the way the hair is front of the right eye.
Great work!


Jim Budrakey Jim Budrakey   {K:24393} 6/6/2006
The eyes are amazing. Nice shot indeed.


Andy Gray Andy Gray   {K:200} 6/6/2006
Wow, this is great!! Such detail...where can i download this moonlight filter from....for photoshop right?


Roberto Baez Duarte Roberto Baez Duarte   {K:5317} 6/6/2006
what a beautiful eyes has this litle girl.congrats to her.


Denise Ricardo Denise Ricardo   {K:114} 6/6/2006
Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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