Shaimaa ElWassimy
{K:1988} 6/21/2009
wow, very interesting pic. in which area of Egypt u took this pic?
M jalili
{K:69009} 6/18/2009
Really excellent work and my congratulation . regards my friend ..................
parehan .K
{K:27453} 2/26/2009
This is a GREAT capture!!! Perfect choice of tonality! Congratulations! parehan
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 2/26/2009
Congratulations on the award, but in my opinion the shot is average at the most. I don't see here any theme, or story, there is nothing going on even in the little opening, in the middle of the frame, where a pair of eyes I think would make a lot of difference.
Prince-De'Vshon Day
{K:397} 12/29/2008
amazing. The simplicity of this piece is what makes it so beautiful.
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/26/2006
Thx Kareem ..
Kareem Afifi
{K:5968} 6/26/2006
yayo !! osman very well done congrats on POD man keep it up
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/21/2006
Thank You very much Dr salma kamel 4 kind comment .. i appreciated
salma kamel
{K:313} 6/20/2006
Hi Omran, Excellent photos,although the window centered but the small black rectangle and the horisontal order of the wood makes the amaizing coposition and success of putting the window centered. Salma
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/20/2006
Thank you so much Doyle ..
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 6/20/2006
Nice full tonal range and composition . . . great conveyance of texture. Congrats on the award!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/20/2006
Thank You so much Claudia Perilli ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/20/2006
Thx alot Piero Somma ..
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 6/19/2006
Excellent!!! Great composiiton and great b&w.
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 6/19/2006
very well deserved POD...great bw shot...great composition ....congrats. ciao
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/18/2006
Thank You so much Robert kocs ..
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 6/17/2006
A very well deserved PoD award. Congratulations!
The details and composition are very exciting. Nice play with different texture and tones. Well done dear Omran!
Best wishes! Robert
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/16/2006
Thank You Hanan 4 ur kind comment ..
Hanan E-H
{K:316} 6/16/2006
Very simple yet very expressive...cool b/w tones! Congratulations for winning the best photo of that day Hanan
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/15/2006
Thank You Moe
Moe Rabie
{K:4390} 6/15/2006
i like it .
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/13/2006
Thanks wael ...
{K:7476} 6/13/2006
Congratulations … my regards wael
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/13/2006
thank You pan giannakis ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/13/2006
thank You Alicia Popp ..
pan g.
{K:16899} 6/13/2006
Well deserved the POD award, it's a beautiful picture, excellent!!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 6/13/2006
FElicitaciones por este merecido premio... un agran composición , con detalles muy cuidados!! Felicitaciones!
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/12/2006
Thanks Hesham ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/12/2006
Thanks Lubi ..
Lubi Star
{K:3903} 6/12/2006
beautiful interplay of lines and textures... well done... Lubi
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 6/12/2006
more of wonderful b/w view. congratulation for pod. thanx a lot my cheer 4 your nice comment. H.A
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/12/2006
rbna ya'aliki ya Riham Essam .. bgd thank u 3la rf3 il ma3nwiat ...
Riham Essam
{K:4931} 6/12/2006
as i said woooooow ....it deserve to be awarded well taken u desrve it Omran well done ...:)
Best Regards, Riham Essam
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thanks Dubravko Grakalic ..
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 6/11/2006
yes, this is great BW photo
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
thank you Randee Armstrong
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You Omar Amroussy ..
Omar Amroussy
{K:4502} 6/11/2006
very nice capture omran and welcome to usefilm
Randee Armstrong
{K:-820} 6/11/2006
The tones and texture in this are great.. very defined as well.
Great job, congrats on the POD :)
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thanks Roberto Arcari Farinetti ..
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/11/2006
hello.. stunning simplicity and great mode.. just a pod deserved it! roby
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Engy Farahat ..
Engy Farahat
{K:11591} 6/11/2006
Congratulation Omran for the POD award. interesting capture. beautiful b/w tones. and excellent texture. well done
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Abdelrahman Elwassimy ... rbna ya'7alik
Abdelrahman Elwassimy
{K:3707} 6/11/2006
excellent shot omran:) congratulations for the award really deserves it :)
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You 1301307 60 ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You Shaimaa ElWassimy ...
1301307 60
{K:44058} 6/11/2006
very nice rectangles, I see so many of them plus the mysterious hole... I like the wide range of tones seen here.. way to go ... congrats!
Shaimaa ElWassimy
{K:1988} 6/11/2006
congratulation Omran for the POD award. Great B&W shot. I like the title too.
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much John Loreaux ..
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 6/11/2006
EXCELLENT B&W Omran!!! I like the composition of this photo! The textures and tones are both very good! I would like to say congrats on the POD!!! Great photo! My best...........................John 7 !
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Winfried Karb ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Vladislav Klima ..
Vladislav Klima
{K:3660} 6/11/2006
congrats on the pod. vk
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 6/11/2006
concrats for the PoD! fine b/w tones and contrast..wonderful scene and image!!!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/11/2006
great textures. marvelous tones. wonderful composition.
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Mohamed Sharara ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Arnee Henson ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Inji Amer ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Mohamed el Issa ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Howie Mudge ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Mohamed Nabil ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much omnia mamdouh ..
Mohamed Sharara
{K:420} 6/11/2006
Congratulations … Nice tone .... Excellent work Mohamed Sharara
- -
{K:490} 6/11/2006
nice frame Omran, congratulations on the award.
Inji Amer
{K:22997} 6/11/2006
Congratulations Omran on the well deserved award POD !! such a wonderfull capture & an original work my dear !! You have a great portfolio Omran , Nice meeting you my dear .
Inji Amer
Mohamed Hussien
{K:8371} 6/11/2006
I saw such a window yesterday but I didn't pay any attention for it :) great topic including the powerful composition of the overlapping in the wooden shutters and the mineral columns as a different lines with a different materials,,,
despite that fortification, a gap is needed here, it catches the eye strangely, so I like the related name choice to it.
So nice abstract and well deserved PoD award! let's see it in front page soon best regards dear friend
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 6/11/2006
Many congratulations on photo of the day. Excellent in black and white :)
Mohamed Nabil
{K:1639} 6/11/2006
welcome to cairo, the framing is great and the BW really did added value , well done and mabrouk on the POD
Omnia Mamdouh
{K:5107} 6/11/2006
Great shot Omran really deserve,nice composition & texture.Well done & mabruk.
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You N3ma ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You so much Khaled Mursi .. ra2ik wklamk da'2mn 3asal rbna ya'7alik ..
N3ma Allah Hisham
{K:5465} 6/11/2006
wonderful art..I like it so much..CONGRATULATIONS
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 6/11/2006
Excellent dramatic lines and tones Omran, the texture is superb too..... Sure an award winning photo, bravo and congrats my friend, Khaled.
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You Nilanjan Mitra ..
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
really thank You so much Mohamed Banna ..
Nilanjan Mitra
{K:12955} 6/11/2006
Too Good.. :)
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 6/11/2006
CONGRATULATION amazing simple strong compsoition nice tones well done
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/11/2006
Thank You Kambiz K ..
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 6/11/2006
n i c E
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/10/2006
Thank You Riham ..
Riham Essam
{K:4931} 6/10/2006
wow its great texture ...... nice tones :)
Best Regards, Riham Essam
OMran Isso
{K:1723} 6/10/2006
Thank u Tony ..
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 6/10/2006
Excellent B/W,very good textures and tones. Regards, Tony