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Rally for America
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Image Title:  Rally for America
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 By: Fred St. John  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Fred St. John {Karma:25}
Project N/A Camera Model Minolta SRT-202
Categories Journalism
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Minolta 35-70 f3.5
Uploaded 3/28/2003 Film / Memory Type Kodak Gold 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 386 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f11
Critiques 11 Rating Critique Only Image
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About This was taken at the recent Rally for America at Freedom's Foundation, Valley Forge PA.
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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Nathan Kennett   {K:535} 4/7/2003

Actually it?s not a fact it?s an opinion, an opinion voiced in a derogatory and demeaning way. And about the researching past comments, I actually happen to respect you talent and as such I'm curious to see what you have to say on others work. I just happened to remember that one line and was fortunate enough to able to find it again.

However I'm done with this little discussion, if you want to keep it going feel free to email me,

Apologies to Fred and others for using the photo to voice an opinion.


Fred St. John   {K:25} 3/29/2003

Thanks for your comments re the signs. As to the political statements, everyone please notice that the subject is Journalism. I don't think I stated what my political views were until prodded. At any rate, as you said this is a photo critique forum. Political statements and soapboxes, whether pro or con, don't belong here.


Renee Robinson   {K:2112} 3/29/2003
I agree that the signs are cut off and it would be nice to see them. As for the political comments -- leave them out of the photo critiques. This is what people are taking photos of because this is what is happening right now and it is history. Doesn't mean everyone agrees with what they are taking photos of it so get off your soapboxes -- I mean, well, just for now. Sorry, didn't mean to demand that last part, it was just a suggestion.


Steve Kompier   {K:4629} 3/28/2003

I was stating a fact, not name calling. It's nice that you have the time to research past comments for a worthless purpose.



Fred St. John   {K:25} 3/28/2003
Neil and Marilla,

Points taken and thanks. Here are my thoughts. This is the full frame, with no cropping. I did compose the picture rather carefully at the time, and intentionally included the pot-bellied man on the left, as well as the flag in the background and the "Evil Triumphs" sign. I wanted to get as much of the flavor of the event as possible. As to the women's signs being cut off, My consideration was that It'd be pretty difficult not go guess their theme, and if I'd included the full signs a lot of the detail in the women's faces would have been lost and the two women would have been diminished as the subject.. the signs would have taken over from them. I was taking a picture of the women and the atmosphere surrounding them. The signs they were displaying, IMO, were secondary and just added atmosphere.



Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 3/28/2003
Fred, this picture is full of life, but I feel that some how the crop could be different in order to make it even stronger. The 2 ladies on the front are the main subject. So, in my opinion, your composition should consider that, by croping the left part, some of the top and a bit on the right.


Nathan Kennett   {K:535} 3/28/2003
Steve, allow me quote you from a comment you left on another image.

'... Please refrain from calling people names.'

As for the photo, (and not the politics behind it) i think its great, good DOF and capture of the right womans smile, pity about the shadows on the faces though.



Neil A   {K:297} 3/28/2003
You go Fred. My only nit pick is the bottom of the signs are cut off.


Fred St. John   {K:25} 3/28/2003
As a Vietnam era vet with a son who served in
Somalia, yea.. been there, done that.


Steve Kompier   {K:4629} 3/28/2003
Too bad ignorant people can't just rate a photo for what it is and not spew political garbage.


Marco Brivio Marco Brivio   {K:14339} 3/28/2003
The shot is nothing special from a pure photographic point of view.
About the message, since I am a convinced pacifist I do not agree with not even a word.
"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing". A great example of violence used to fight violence.
I would suggest some speech by Dalai Lama or the Holy Pope.

P.S. I would like to see your face if the soldiers shown dead by Al Jazeera TV (and censored by US networks) were your sons or relatives. It's easy to speak comfortably sat down on your sofa with steak and chips...




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