Mary Brown
{K:71879} 7/31/2006
Two handsome men. MAry
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 7/28/2006
Excellent.. father, son, love of the sea (and wife taking the pics).. great combination!
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 7/26/2006
Very sweet! I love seeing the photos of you and your family! Looks like a beautiful day to be out and about!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 7/24/2006
Oh this is so beautiful. I love the colour and the family life.
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 7/24/2006
hai fatto benissimo a lasciarlo il commento. Sono rimasto 5 minuti a ridere da solo davanti al PC...
Tore Bully
{K:1308} 7/24/2006
Diafolo di un V.I.P. hai smesso di ridere? Ero un po' indeciso se lasciarti il mio "Ki kaz'è???", ma poi ho letto "Cecina Toscana" e allora ho pensato che avresti interpretato con la giusta dose di sano umorismo. Così fu. Ciao toscanaccio. Bully
Henriette Andersen
{K:574} 7/23/2006
hi... what a great photo, and lovely little boy you have,- so cute and adorable. It must have been a great day for him with a lot of sun and fun with dad. Lovly family portrait. Very natural. Henriette...
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 7/23/2006
fantastico il tuo commento, non ho ancora smesso di ridere... sono io e il mì figliolo.... quantomeno legittima la domanda: Ki kaz'è?.... sei un grande
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 7/23/2006
Your wife took a very sweet photo of your and your little one, Giulio.:)
arijit(ratul) talukder
{K:6029} 7/23/2006
lovely shot of the very special vip. great composiotion , great colours. regards arijit.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 7/23/2006
great image and very great composition here my friend with perfect exposure ,details and very pleasant to view, all of the best my friend
Tore Bully
{K:1308} 7/23/2006
Ki kaz'é???
Cleveland Smith
{K:7006} 7/23/2006
Giulio, what a fun shot of a special VIP, thanks for sharing.