{K:2731} 4/17/2003
I think you did a great job, but i would agree with Chris, only because this is not IMO a jernalisic shot.
Chad Ward
{K:61} 4/9/2003
What a great shot. And I like it much better in B&W. It gives the picture a much more forlorn, abandoned feel.
While I agree that photojournalists shouldn't futz with their images, even to remove irrelevant material that doesn't affect the content, I'd take the power line out. If this were accompanying a piece on how winter storms affect farmers, then I'd leave it in. But because this is an evocative "art" photo I think you have a little more leeway to change things that don't fit with the way you saw the shot. Just my two cents (pre-tax).
Take care, Chad
Trevor Tollefsbol
{K:2458} 4/8/2003
I agree with you Renee, I like reality in my photos. I like to represent the subject in its naturaly state. Nice shot!
Renee Robinson
{K:2112} 4/8/2003
I understand the comments about the power line and agree, but I left the power line in when I saw it (after I took the photo, which is somethign I need to work on -- seeing the background as I take the photo or before) because it was real and I guess I have been trained as a reporter. As such we believe reality can also be art. Sounds stupid, I guess -- but that is the way this one developed. :-)
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 4/8/2003
I agree with Chris about the power line but other than that this is a very nice image. If you have some time, play around with the curves on this image because I think a bit more contrast (but not much) might let some of the details on the wagon pop a bit more. Still, its a nice image. Good work Renee.
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 4/7/2003
Excellent use of B&W to capture this image. I really like the snow falling. Maybe take out the power line or reshoot (my perfered way) to take it out. Good job!