Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 4/3/2008
you not have photos you not have idea how to use camera and no sense colours nor perspective.You are what we call a FRAUD ;>
You still stealing pictures and posting as your own on other sites? bahhahaaahaaa
you be FUBAR...hehehehee
anis chekani
{K:180} 4/3/2008
In this photo,there are blue and white colours more than other colours.there isnot balance in this picture photographer perpose has been blue colour. half of this picture is blue and half is white.i think,in this poto the the photographer has made installation.i think it was better if the branch.of flower that is fade,was clear.there relationship between blue and whit colours in dishas and table cloth is beautiful.broken lines in this photo is more than other lines.
{K:70138} 6/1/2007
Fantastic grainy shot, dear Gayle !!!
Many Congratulations !!!
cheers! Avi
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 2/14/2007
Hi Gayle,
So simple and perfect, Congrats on the BIP
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 2/13/2007
I love this!! This has the feel of a time long ago. Great work my friend!!!
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 2/10/2007
Well, Beeeeeeeep time ;-)
I definitely love the cropping and composing. well done!
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 12/29/2006
:) This is super nice Gayle. So Different and so colorful. You probably know that Kroger Film was manufactured by 3m Company. Nice hearing from you. Congratulations and best wishes for 2007 Chuck Freeman Film Baby Film always ( I hope):)
 Dense Fog |
{K:10535} 12/10/2006
Congrats, Gayle I have walked around your ideas and pics in this beautiful sunny morning into my room. There's very cold in the street. (Many thanks for your support ) Have a nice day.
James Cook
{K:38068} 11/26/2006
Yeah, blue is good. I have several blues myself.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 11/26/2006
Thanks,James!...as you can tell,i am a fan of grain when suits the image...this is now a memory from my last residence since i just moved,so glad i captured it....i am also a big fan of blue in images...regards,gayle
James Cook
{K:38068} 11/25/2006
I've never been a big grain person I guess. When I shot film I would buy 50 speed film and sometimes still shoot it at 25. But this looks nice. Congratulations on the award.
Qasem Shukran
{K:1508} 11/5/2006
Very great image of perspective and a wonderful composition and colours
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 9/30/2006
bonjour Gayle,
la composition , autant que les tons des couleurs... la matière qu'on croit 'toucher' avec les doigts.., sont superbes.... félicitations... amitiés...
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/21/2006
That is some blue!!!!!
Great nature morte...
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 9/1/2006
Hi lovely lady....congrats on this wonderful image.....great work..... Clifton......
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 8/25/2006
Hi Gangter girl, very nice work for the current project, I really like the grainy effect, well worthy of the BIP! congrats.....
m ,
{K:15872} 8/19/2006
It is an attractive shot! The perspective is lovely and the crop too. The blue glasses are eye-catching! It is a successful composing! Well done! Best regards: Maxime
Virgis Dromantas
{K:4212} 8/15/2006
Very nice, dear Gayle. Congratulations on the BIP award!
Kind regards, Virgis
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 8/10/2006
Oh boy! MS, Gayle is back in form again, and you' keep us wondering what minute detail you have found to keep us fascinated...congrats..riny
pan g.
{K:16899} 8/7/2006
Congratulations for the BIP award, it is well deserved for this wonderfull picture. Excellent work!
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 8/6/2006
What's film? Dig the shot, dig the style - has a kind of modern look. Looks like a magazine ad - congrats my dear....
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/4/2006
Thanks,Cookie!...window light with blue glass has a fresh look,eh?....that's me,as Dylan says,"Tangled up in blue" ;>
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 8/4/2006
Oh wow... nice work there babe. Spectacular colour and the grain is to die for. Who the heck needs filters? :) Love the warm fuzzy vibe I get from the light and set-up in this comp. Congrats on the award, couldn't be more deserving my friend...
Cheers Rina.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/31/2006
Thanks,Gayle!...it is really just some fabric leftover from a kitchen curtain i sewed...good taste to have the same blue bottle...LOL...i love cropping for impact and with this one i like that our imagination fills in the rest of the bottle...appreciate your fun and in-depth feedback ...yeah,i only shoot film,but may go to the "other side" at some pt....i was probably the last person in the USA to switch to CDs and DVDs! hehehe later,gurl!
Gayle Newton
{K:1482} 7/31/2006
Hi, Gayle. First of all - love your tablecloth! ;) Second, I have the same bottle (foreground) set on my windowsill in my kitchen. Third, can't believe this is film! Fourth, just an excellent compo - a little unexpectedness, depriving us of the entire bottle. Light, shadow, verticals, diagonals, squares, all nice & soft. Fifth, congratulations on your BIP award!!!
Regards, the "other" Gayle
{K:70138} 7/31/2006
Good grainy abstract, dear Gayle !!!.. Lovely composition !! Many congratulations !!!
all the very best, Avi
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 7/31/2006
Excellent capture Gayle! Beautiful work! Congrats for deserverd BIP! Roberto.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 7/30/2006
very artistic presentation amazing composition and nice angle well done sel.
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 7/29/2006
great blue dear GG,Afareen for BIP.perfect
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/29/2006
hi,Dave and thanks for the feedback...no filters...i only cropped and barely tweaked contrast...what you see is the grain from film (more pronounced from the contrast level),low window light and when i re-sized,it brought out more grain from the crop...glad you like!
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 7/29/2006
Duh, nevermind. I read the last sentence after I hit submit. sheesh.
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 7/29/2006
Congratulations on the BIP, Gayle. Very nice lighting, I like the way you try and use natural light indoors on many of your photos.
Did you use a filter on this? Looks like some type of texture added. Looks good, softens it up and gives it that painted look.
Best wishes, Dave
Terry Ward
{K:-926} 7/29/2006
Oh, congrats. T
Terry Ward
{K:-926} 7/29/2006
This is so very awesome. Absolutely perfect. TW
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/29/2006
umm nothin mate.. have ne touched a drop for nigh on thirty years but the whites she has are not pure they are dirty and so I wanted to express that some other way so.. yeah
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 7/29/2006
This is beautiful Gayle, I love the color and the composition, would lend itself to a lovely painting..beautiful still life with gorgeous light and wonderful blues...congrats on the well deserved award...digital, baby, digital...hehehe...couldn't resist that!
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 7/28/2006
Nice effect you have here Gayle, I like the composition and the lighting as well, composed and edited in a wonderful way, very well done, Cheers,
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 7/28/2006
Congrats Gayle . . . and with FILM too!! Very cool!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Dale Hardman
{K:394} 7/28/2006
Congrats! Nice photo, love the blues as reminds me of old bottles (blue) we found around Greshamville,Ga. where our daddy grew up: do you remember us digging around the haunted house, near the creek there, looking for arrowheads and bottles??
Like the juxtaposition and compositional elements of blue/white, curving space and as Robin says,suggesting summer.
The photo does also suggest for me the pull of a summer breeze, blowing wistfully through that window: what lies beyond that window? Our relics of blue still survive amidst the possibility of a new wind blowing either renewal or change, and might those beautiful bottles and what they suggest for each of us, either survive or be cast aside?
I guess only they know, beyond what we think, they simply are.
And Rog: love the wicked wordsmythe, whaling away! ;-)

Anne Grindle
{K:842} 7/28/2006
Very nice picture Gayle
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/28/2006
Rog,what the heck were ya smokin' to come up with the "dirty bludgeoned whites"?! ;> so ya be a wordsmith,eh?
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/28/2006
turn of phrase..what the 'ell do ya mean... http://www.usefilm.com/Image.asp?ID=1153442
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 7/28/2006
congrats for award ;) nice colors & shot.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/28/2006
hi,... start a new project and you have captured a BIP, well done,.. i 'm happy.. nicely mood and composition have a nice week end my dear gayle.. roby
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/28/2006
"yawning chasm of space"...man, you sure can turn a phrase!...it has to do with a flow vertically (the white curtains) and a flow horizontally by showing the dimension of the stool top (via shadows of the draping tablecloth);>
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/28/2006
hey,Brat...no art filters applied...what you see is the grain of FILM! remember that before ya went digi? hehehe...closer crop,low window light and tad tweak of contrast only ;> appreciate the drop-by!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/28/2006
I think a little less of the art filter, or perhaps only a selective application to a region would have helped.
But you'll never listen to suggestions for change now...now that you're a Best In Project WINNER!
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/28/2006
yeah well in spite of the BIP (congrats) I am worried by the yawning chasm of space to the right of the image... not sure what you are up to there but n e way ...
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/28/2006
Thanks,Robin!...i had just clicked it to put up as puter wallpaper to show my son and then BAM! the surprising BIP was showing..LOL..
Robin W
{K:16308} 7/28/2006
Nice...a BIP for ya!
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 7/28/2006
Well, Gayle, it just goes to show, you don't always have to spend a fortune to produce a top shot! Good on you! You did very well!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/28/2006
Thanks,Phil!...i shoot film so only post process was minor contrast tweak to my liking and crop...i like the grain from the film which was a cheapie at the dollar store!
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 7/28/2006
A fabulous image for the project, Gayle! Your post processing has worked wonders!
Congratulations on the BIP! Well deserved!
Robin W
{K:16308} 7/28/2006
Hi Gayle, Love this...the crisp blue and white remind me of summertime, I can feel a gentle breeze stirring the air! Just noticed the new project also...happened to a contribution handy...LOL. Thanks for the comment and the birthday wish for Collin! Take care...Robin