Carlen Boersema
{K:6789} 8/15/2006
I think this photo is very adorable and the saturatioin is spot on. I like how his shirt stands out even against the green of the grass. It doesn't clash at all. The angle/lens you chose emphasizes his face well. Keep up the good work Mel!
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 8/4/2006
I used the wide angle for this! I agree, withthe B&W you would lose all the saturation, which I think makes it fun!
Green Gemini
{K:3391} 8/3/2006
Someone said they would like to see this in bw butI like the color. It looks almost like you used a fisheye lens.
{K:4458} 8/2/2006
Excellent perspective!
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 8/2/2006
Excellent .
Michael Charles
{K:4348} 8/2/2006
I bet this would be good in black and white...good tho
sara sue
{K:2117} 8/1/2006
1st pic i feel he is a boy in it....nice one
Juan Gonzalo Marcano Prieto
{K:14254} 8/1/2006
bella toma, muy colorida y simpatica, excelente
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 8/1/2006
LOL! He got a buck! Bought himself and his brother some ninja swords at the dollar store )
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 8/1/2006
Great POV. Did he strike it rich under the pillow? --Jan