Prying Open
{K:-544} 12/10/2004
like it
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 7/28/2004
brilliant! :)
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 10/27/2003
Hi John I have to work my way slowly through your portofolio here. It is a great joy to me. This is a wonderful observation. The child and the shadow are equally interesting to look at. So there is a balance, like when you manage to set the stereo speakers right, or sit down at the right spot when listening to music.
Malin Kristinadottir
{K:956} 9/5/2003
superbe!!! I really love your "Child With Hat"-serie - all of them!!! /Malin
Balthazar B.
{K:33} 6/3/2003
very nice work indeed...strange, the shadow seems to look another way than the child...if u see what i mean...
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 5/19/2003
just love this kind of image-so unusual and fun
Ayse Telci
{K:4168} 5/1/2003
i have seen this one before...and this is still my favourite ...
heather martino
{K:3648} 4/27/2003
I cant believe I saw this thumbnail so often & never noticed the shadow. I'm so dim! & very glad Athos brough it back to the front. This just brings a smile to my face - its great & in my favs. H:)
Athos Guedes
{K:745} 4/27/2003
excellent! who is this? Peter Pan? with his living shadow? I wish this image was mine :( Congrats John!
zosia zija
{K:11106} 4/26/2003
very good composition.
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 4/22/2003
splendid !
Guelfo Ajello
{K:7519} 4/19/2003
You are doing excellent B&W stuff, bravo !
Andreas Wolkerstorfer
{K:5090} 4/19/2003
I viewed this some minutes like reading a poem
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 4/17/2003
Another excellent shot...the reflections on the wall is superb
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 4/15/2003
Laura Lee
{K:990} 4/13/2003
I love this kid's hat! The shadow is very interesting. The whole thing is so cute and odd...it makes me happy.
Lisa Paully
{K:1735} 4/12/2003
such a beautiful image john with so much character
Greg O'Conner
{K:2398} 4/12/2003
The reflection is very odd. I like it.
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 4/12/2003
bj burrows
{K:334} 4/11/2003
original and odd.. =)
Alana Groshong
{K:-23} 4/11/2003
The dual profile (the child and the shadow) is intriguing. It was the shadow that first caught my eye with its detailed texture.