Quix Photography
{K:20204} 9/5/2006
oh bless... I'm glad you noticed.. They are what attracted me to this shot in the first place.. very 'old worlde' :)
Thanks again Dave Keep well & bright Sue x
Dave Dixon
{K:2035} 9/5/2006
good combination? No brainer - it's a great combination
Also, I know it's only a little detail, but the threadlike do-dahs hanging down form the bottom of the sign add *so* much to this
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 8/26/2006
Yes, definitely like it- the angle particularly- what a sky! I am waiting for the film to start! I hear that sign creek!
Quix Photography
{K:20204} 8/26/2006
Thank you Shirley :) Hope you are keeping well & bright x
Quix Photography
{K:20204} 8/26/2006
Bless.. thank you Roman... I'm a great fan of LOTR's so maybe that's showing through :) x
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 8/26/2006
Oooh...love this, too, Sue!:)
re sfdh
{K:-890} 8/26/2006
Great! Looks like it's taken from the Lord of the rings :)