The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 9/12/2006
well that is true to a point my friend.....But if your like me and you try this and that and its still not working so you figure well....If it was not this or that then maybe some other settings and before to long your all messed up and your computer is in the shop again. lol Yeah your right I think......A international crisis is right! :) Cheers
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/11/2006
Yep.... I ask around, and then started reading everyones comments about not being able to view their images... ha! An international crisis ! I think it was down for over 3 hrs. at least tho ....
Thanks for responding Paul. I did the same thing ...total maintenance on my computer which never hurts !!! LOL!
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 9/11/2006
Thanks god......I started making changes to my computer! I thought no wait.....Yeah its back up now but I recon you already know..... Hopefulll not down too long! lol
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/11/2006
Thank You for your kind comment Paul... I took tons of pictures and was out of town yesterday...when I came in I was too tired to post. I agree with your ideas for me NOT to use the manual mode so much and to experiment with the shutter speeds, etc. Paul ! My problem this morning I cannot view any images on UF... I was wondering if you are having any problems ??? don't know if it's my computer, or the UF site ?
Thank You , Michele~
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 9/10/2006
Nice fall colors Michele. I like the different leafs. Different sizes and colors and how just enough grass in between breaks its up just the right amount. You should start trying to look for creative ways to shoot the fall colors as well. Like selective focusing shots and shooting through a blurred area to a sharp subject ect. Use your camera controls somewhat to get pratice in for when you get you slr camera! Also motion photography with your shutter speeds, ect. I know I would love to see some things like that from you! Hey......On the ground that leaf does not look near that big as it does against moms face! lol cool shot there in itself! Great fun with this one! Take care
Paul E Brumit
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/10/2006
I do appreciate your time to comment on my images Rashed. You are very generous and I appreciate it very much. Thank You, Michele~
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/10/2006
Thank You Alicia ! You are very encouraging as always .
Best Wishes, Michele~
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 9/10/2006
Very beautiful image, very sharp and very colorful, the exposure here is perfect.
Wishing you all of the best my friend
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 9/10/2006
Estupendo detalle otoñal, magnífica gama de colores, formas y texturas! Felicitaciones!
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/10/2006
Hi ! this is my Mom holding the leaf to show the size is very large...
 To Check the size of the Leaf |