a. M.
{K:9020} 10/1/2006
thank you vanessa...that tree IS beautiful Ant
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/1/2006
Love the tree ..it is beautiful ..nice lighting and sepia tone..nessa
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/29/2006
hey jimmy! thanks so much for the critique i really appreciate it..so u play too?awesome! i play mostly lead guitar and drums..i usually once a month go to the studio with my friends from work and just jam for like 2 or3 hours. you shouldcome sometime Ant
Jimmy Perez
{K:1694} 9/29/2006
very somber image Anthony well done excellent tones, dof, composition and detail.with so many to choose from this has to be one of my favorites your work is beautiful my friend you have a great eye keep it up.
p.s. i see from your profile picture besides living in the same city and photography we also share a thing for music i play a little guitar and bass myself.
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/14/2006
thank you shadi :) Ant
Shadi Porooshani
{K:11236} 9/14/2006
wooooow lovely image dear Anthony & very good you used sepia tone have nice time shadi ;)
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/13/2006
thanks martin Ant
Martin .
{K:24957} 9/13/2006
I'll be watching,,,
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/13/2006
hey martin! its good to hear from you....yea its been a crazy summer but im gettin back into photography mode and have some cool pictures to be posting up during the fall..keep on checking by.and yea i love john's writing s too...revelation is so beautiful to read..anways ttyl my friend Ant
Martin .
{K:24957} 9/13/2006
Long time no see. I understand why though. You have been studying the lovely writings of John. I have always been partial to John, but I love Paul and Luke as well. Just not quite as well, as John... John had a special way about himself... After all he was referred to as "The one Jesus loved"...
Thank you for sharing my friend,
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/12/2006
thank you pablo :) Ant
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 9/12/2006
Very nice composition!!!
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/12/2006
hey ivan...thanks so much for your comment.i see what your saying...i wanted though this angle becuase i wanted you to see her surrounded by the trees to give it that alone look..and yea i have to work on moving in closer...i always get scared people might get mad at me if i get to close and i know that prevents me frlom getting better shots but..il work on that:) thanks for stopping by Ant
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/12/2006
Very nice.. having said that I think it would have been even better if you had gotten closer to the lady, maybe just right behind her, showing her reaction facing the tree. As a rule... get closer... and then some more. Hug Ivan
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/12/2006
ahh thanks alot rob..i really appreciate that Ant
a. M.
{K:9020} 9/12/2006
thank you so much paul...that comment just mademy day..its funny i didnt even know i entered this into to the project of the month till u toold me.. thanks for the kind words :) Ant
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 9/12/2006
Most interesting tree and a very dramtic presentation in sepia. Well done.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 9/12/2006
Aman! Wonderful work of faith! Beautiful capture Anthony! This would be the perfect image for the monthly project!! Its speaks of award! 10+