Magda Marczewska
{K:635} 11/3/2006
o, yes, one of this moments when the light is so amazing, but you have this dilema - stop the car a nd take the picture ora just drive as quickly as you can and run away :)
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 11/2/2006
Very stunning scene, from the briliant red and white to the mean background sky. Topped off by the lush green foreground corn. Most excellent landscape, Andrzej. looks like you ahve a very strong porfolio, I'm going to have to explore a little.
Best wishes, Dave
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 11/1/2006
Andrzej... Bardzo ładnie skomponowałeś zdjęcie. Nastrój i moment światła przed burzą oddałeś bardzo wiernie. Pozdrawiam Cię serdecznie. Viola
{K:9563} 10/31/2006
well done, well done
lovely light
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/30/2006
Excellent capture Andrzej! Love the moody storm clouds and the foreground of corn. Very sharp and nice Depth! I really love the low angle you took this from!! Very dramatic image. Well Done!
Paul E Brumit 7+
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 10/29/2006
Hi Andrzej, A nice addition to this Farmland series that you have started. I read your comment about uploading the wrong file unintentionally. One of my biggest complaints about the recent Usefilm change is that we no longer have the ability to preview our uploads before we post. I sure wish they would bring that feature back. Maybe we should make a suggestion in one of the forums? Andre
Andrzej B.
{K:2244} 10/29/2006
Very well taken shot, Andrzej. The colours and the contrast are great. The sky itself is worth thousand words. Regards. Tap.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/29/2006
Great shot of the cornfield and farm in sunlight with those very threatening clouds in the background, Andrzej! The "cleaned" image does look better! Dave.
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 10/29/2006
I like the mood in this one. Amazing contrast between the building/mais field and the dark sky. Fantastic capture! Emgy
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 10/29/2006
for all those upset with the noise on the picture posted I'm sorry I just picked wrong file from my collection, attached is the cleaned one and it makes huge difference when watching.
 filtered noise version |
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/29/2006
Wonderful dramatic sky ..lovley colour and light,,nessa 7
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 10/29/2006
Very impressive Andrzey. I think that the half light composition make more dramatic the half very dark. The clouds are splendid. It seems that it is raining looking in the lighter hole. Take care.