Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 8/20/2003
great Composition, wonderful! regards!
Cesar Pinedo
{K:1151} 5/16/2003
IMpressive sunset Jose Antonio with great colorful,composition,framing,contrast,etc.. Best regards..
Jorge Jacinto
{K:4372} 4/28/2003
Excelente composição e cores ! Parabéns !
Jordi Serra
{K:3818} 4/28/2003
Yo casi puedo asegurar, que es el trabajo tuyo que más me gusta dentro de la categoría de paisajes. Me transmite sosiego y me evoca una cierta nostalgia, que atribuyo a los dominantes tonos calientes, solo rotos por el disco solar, que pone contrapunto a esta magistral escena :-) un abrazo, Js.
Sandor Szollos
{K:7681} 4/28/2003
Very nice shot!
Jean Luc LERY
{K:4975} 4/28/2003
Wonderful composition.Tones are exceptional and silhouettes are great.Regards Jluc
- simos -
{K:9354} 4/28/2003
Beautiful!!! regards, simo
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 4/27/2003
Excellent composition!
lidian neeleman
{K:6700} 4/27/2003
Excellent by composition, color,lighting, great capture....very sharp also! Kind regards Lidian
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 4/27/2003
Excellent compoced, very sharp, great capture, beautiful light and coloring, Regards Kaj Nielsen
Andre Cajot
{K:7793} 4/27/2003
Fine shot Jose A. Good colors and composition.
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 4/27/2003
Excelente captura José
Leslie Cohelan
{K:20807} 4/27/2003
an outstanding composition with excellent PS work and good toning...the pelicans are sharp and well defined...they really are a bonus in the picture...beautiful
T Glow
{K:14955} 4/27/2003
Essa composição é simplesmente maravilhosa!! tudo muito aqui. Abraço.
Jose A. Pacheco
{K:141} 4/27/2003
All the elements were in place, nothing was added or removed in PS.
Olaf Herrig
{K:904} 4/27/2003
excellent picture, fantastic colors
Erkan Gokce
{K:1414} 4/27/2003
excellent capture!! beautiful colors!!
Alex Uchôa
{K:18547} 4/27/2003
Que beleza de foto Pacheco. Excelente uso da regra dos terços tanto no posicionamento da linha do horizonte quanto nos pelicanos e no sol. Os pelicanos estavão realmente na foto ou foram colocados posteriormente no photoshop? Parabéns.
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 4/27/2003
Uma imagem de sonho...
Ken Daniels
{K:1000} 4/27/2003
Beautiful lighting and composition. The pelicans really add to this photo.