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Image Title:  Tormenta
Favorites: 15 
 By: Jordi Serra  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Jordi Serra {Karma:3818}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon G3
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 4/28/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2644 Shutter
Favorites 15  Aperture f/0
Critiques 103 Rating
/ 74 Ratings
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There are 103 Comments in 1 Pages
Mehmet Tüzün   {K:608} 2/10/2005


JL E JL E   {K:9693} 11/6/2003
excellent photo!.


Jari Hakala   {K:253} 10/20/2003
Beautiful colors.


Legolas .   {K:3947} 8/31/2003
excellent work, regards


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 8/31/2003
Congratulations on this editor's choice today. Well deserved! We share this honour today, so I share in your joy! This is a beautiful photo and I like the dark clouds! It looks like a storm is coming... very dramatic. The composition is simple but beautiful. My best regards,


André Luiz Almeida   {K:38} 8/31/2003
Wonderful capture! Congratulations!


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 8/31/2003
Hi Jordi:
My best congratulations for this honour, you deserved this tribute because you are a great photographer.
A smile.


Deleted User   {K:1210} 8/31/2003


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 8/31/2003
Where did you go, Jordi. I miss your work, Very much. Marília


José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 8/31/2003
Very beautifull composition!!!


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 8/31/2003
A big hug for the distintion,besides the choice of the three editors.Well deserved.


Harlan Heald Harlan Heald   {K:15732} 8/31/2003
Nice clean lines, a single building and a dramatic sky - Excellent composition! Congratulations on having this image selected as Editor's Choice!!!


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 8/31/2003
GOOD !!!!!!!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 8/31/2003


ANTONIO MONFORT   {K:589} 8/31/2003


laura diaz   {K:863} 8/30/2003


Hugo Pierre   {K:15692} 8/24/2003
Muy buena foto, como es costumbre en usted. ?Que alegría encontrarlo en este sitio!, saludos, Hugo Pierre.


Erick Gonzalez   {K:41} 8/17/2003
I like the contrast between the land and the sky. GREAT JOB!


Erol Avanoglu   {K:703} 8/16/2003
Wonderfull view and photo.


. .   {K:1787} 8/3/2003
nice and balanced shot. I'd try to crop a bit of the sky to bring the picture in 3:2 . I prefer picrtures like that in 3:2.
best regards


ARMINDO LOPES   {K:2436} 7/10/2003
Eres muy grande, Jordi! Abraçada.


Herbert Newland   {K:3435} 6/3/2003
beautiful composition, fine colours


Look @   {K:2127} 5/22/2003
A Velvia effect on a digital camera. Bellissima foto


gregory J. mclemore   {K:1810} 5/21/2003
amazing shot


Judy Kessler   {K:6316} 5/21/2003
wonderful work Jordi... great to see!


José Varela   {K:636} 5/11/2003
Excelente, Jordi. Cumprimentos, José


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 5/10/2003
Makes me want to take cover from the weather!


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 5/7/2003
marvelous image.great may look my beauty in the nature. jignacio garcia


Günter Koth   {K:13841} 5/2/2003
Wonderful work. Dramatic low sky. Great color contrast between the sky and the green field.


Aiman Nassar   {K:11961} 5/1/2003
Splendid... congrats Jordi


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 4/30/2003
Hi Jordi:
I have no words to say...So, I only to tell you...Splednid.


Bob Tomerlin   {K:5460} 4/30/2003
Beautiful - nice mood, nice contrast between the green and gray. Really nice.


António Nunes   {K:1201} 4/30/2003
Great shot!


Alex Uchôa   {K:18547} 4/30/2003
Jordi, congratulations for the photo of the day. Regards, Alex.


bruce slane   {K:8} 4/30/2003
very nice


al shaikh   {K:15790} 4/30/2003
The mood is wonderful here.


ileana barigelletti   {K:3571} 4/30/2003
Si resta senza fiato di fronte ad uno spettacolo della natura che vuole a tutti i costi mettersi in mostra e tu con il tuo obiettivo sei riuscito in pieno ad offrire tanta emozione!! Complimenti! Ileana.


Attila Nemeth   {K:419} 4/30/2003
Wow! Where can you find these kinda clouds?? :)


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 4/30/2003
Great composition Jordi! Great sky gives little bit dramatic looks at the image.


Knut Hoftun Knudsen   {K:526} 4/30/2003
No words......just exellent work!


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 4/30/2003
Great and wonderful photo


T Glow   {K:14955} 4/30/2003
Beautiful work! regards,T.


Ivy Kardokus   {K:127} 4/30/2003
Very nice Jordi !


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 4/30/2003
Extremely impressive!


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 4/30/2003
Fantastic shot!


Maria Assunção   {K:2066} 4/30/2003


Lorenzo Lessi   {K:6589} 4/30/2003
Superb clouds and superb work! Regards, Jordi!


NN  NN     {K:26787} 4/30/2003
Congratulations, Jordi! A very moody picture.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 4/30/2003


Fernando Pegueroles   {K:266} 4/30/2003
Simple y magnifica, Jordi. Unh cielo magnifico ( C 121 supongo), tormentoso y gris que contrasta admirablemente con el verdor de la hierba. Y la casa, como la guinda del pastel, en su sitio ;-). Maravillosa foto. Un abrazo. Fernando.


Berenice Kauffmann Abud (AFIAP/2004)   {K:3147} 4/29/2003
Magnificent work!!!!


Estevao Jose   {K:6115} 4/29/2003
Fantastic scenery, great colors and superb composition, mastefully presented image, my best regards!!!


Paolo Quarantelli   {K:4130} 4/29/2003
Un cielo impressionante in una composizione perfetta. Bravissimo, Jordi!


Regina Lopes   {K:1237} 4/29/2003
Beautiful mood.


Ari A. Alves (alvesari) Ari A. Alves (alvesari)   {K:7733} 4/29/2003
Dramatic atmosfere and great image. Congrats Jordi!


Shigeyuki Mohara Shigeyuki Mohara   {K:4753} 4/29/2003
Beautiful composition and yellow flowers in the green!! Excellent Work! Regards, Shige


pepita blu   {K:5935} 4/29/2003
impressionante!!! sembra che il cielo stia per schiacciare la casetta, unico ostacolo prima di schiantarsi sulla Terra...una foto spettacolare, grande Jordi! un abbraccio, bru :)


Jorge Garcia   {K:8733} 4/29/2003
Obra de arte, Jordi! Perfecta composicion. Saludos


Arturo Nahum   {K:959} 4/29/2003
gran composicion y excelente atmosfera. hace poco subi una parecida.... (pero me quedo poco nitida)


Edeltraud Vinckx   {K:5559} 4/29/2003
wonderful landscape


Jean Luc LERY   {K:4975} 4/29/2003
Wonderful:sharp and soft,great colors and perfect sky.Regards Jluc


Andre Cajot   {K:7793} 4/29/2003


Felipe Rodríguez   {K:9200} 4/29/2003
Jordi, qué preciosidad! (por cierto, parece que por aquí hay menos problemillas de esos que hemos comentado, no?)
Tienes razón en lo de PS y los polarizadores (aunque un buen polarizador bien usado no es tan fácil de emular en PS), pero en el caso de la torre el único PS que hay es unos cables horribles que cruzaban y que borré. Los colores y el contraste son los que saqué de la cámara. Es una pasada el modo raw, te permite una flexibilidad increíble con las fotos.


Nita M   {K:4986} 4/29/2003
Nice composition.


Cristiano Corte   {K:10836} 4/29/2003
Immagine spettacolare, essenziale e con un distacco grandioso tra il cielo tormentato e l'apparente quiete. Ciao ! Cris.-


G:)nter Hofstädter   {K:854} 4/29/2003
wow, you almost can crap the clouds ! Regards G:)nter


Guelfo Ajello   {K:7519} 4/28/2003
Intensa e bella Jordi: la dimostrazione che il talento del fotografo può, con pochi elementi, costruire un' immagine di valore.


Leslie Cohelan   {K:20807} 4/28/2003
looks like the clouds that are hovering over my house right now...very powerful looking...almost 3 dimensional...excellent colors and exposure...especially since you had both dark and light to expose...beautiful Jordi


Marcio Cabral   {K:12496} 4/28/2003
Excellent composition and contrast Jordi, regards!


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 4/28/2003
Great, Jordi..simply great! Anna


Eduardo Sánchez Eduardo Sánchez   {K:194} 4/28/2003
Toda la composición gira alrededor de ese cielo que crea la admósfera de una gran tormenta. Casi se percibe el olor a la tierra mojada. ?Una maravilla!. Un abrazo.


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 4/28/2003
Well done representation of this huge cloudbank ..


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 4/28/2003
Great composition.


Sylvia H. Sylvia H.   {K:22195} 4/28/2003
Fantastic mood, excellent composition! Regards, Sylvia


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 4/28/2003
Very nice capture!!


Monica Riveiro   {K:836} 4/28/2003
Espectacular la luz, el color precioso y la composicion muy cuidada.. en tu linea y estilo. Me encanta. Tiene una profundidad, que la aporta esas nubes, impresionante.


Alex Uchôa   {K:18547} 4/28/2003
Good use of third's rule and dramatic sky captured. The house add a welcome sense of scale.


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 4/28/2003
Eccellente nella sua drammaticita'.... Eccellente nei colori e nella definizione!


Marco Grandi   {K:16680} 4/28/2003
Splendido lavoro,Jordi!Very fine landscape!Spectacular light and contrast!
Un abbraccio,Marco.


Susanne Stenius   {K:230} 4/28/2003
Greta photo. Wounderful landscape and the clouds are beautiful.


Roland Le Gall   {K:7018} 4/28/2003
So simple and so beautiful.....!! Fantastic...


david sarnow   {K:148} 4/28/2003
Jordi, fantástica captura, excelente composición, momento mágico, todos los ingredientes que una foto maravillosa necesita, felicidades, David


rino sirio   {K:8012} 4/28/2003
eccelelnte lavoro


ARMINDO LOPES   {K:2436} 4/28/2003
I don't know if I shall call it a masterpiece or a piece of a master... The point is that the pic is absolutely outstanding!


Jose A. Pacheco   {K:141} 4/28/2003
Impresionante y dramático cielo, encantador primer plano, muy colorido y detallado. Un abrazo... j.a.


Rui Palha Rui Palha   {K:13624} 4/28/2003
Great composition & colors :-) abrazo, rp


Dirck DuFlon   {K:35779} 4/28/2003
?Una foto muy dramática e intensa! Me encanta el contraste entre el verde vivo en primer plano con el gris amenazante de las nubes. La casita le añade up punto de interés y le dá escala a la escena. ?Muy bien tomada!


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 4/28/2003
come e` drammatica!!!!!!


Kovacs Tamas   {K:1473} 4/28/2003
Wonderful!! Regards Tamas


- simos -   {K:9354} 4/28/2003
regards, simo


pippo giuseppe   {K:16421} 4/28/2003
un granda capolavoro!!


Maurilio Ultramari   {K:8200} 4/28/2003
Bellissima composizione Jordi.


Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 4/28/2003
EXCELLENT, compoced, EXCELLENT coloring. EXCELLENT light. Regards Kaj Nielsen


Luigi Scuderi   {K:4407} 4/28/2003
composition: perfect from a classical standpoint, the rule of the thirds is perfectly applied. Excellent also the contrast of colours. I don't know why, but i'm missing something. I'd personally choose a different position of the house, more on the bottom, to let it sustain the burden of such a sky. Persoanl tastes

lighting: excellent brightness, contrast and colours.

originality/emotional appeal: very strong image for the combination of colours.

regards, Luigi


Branislav Fabijanich   {K:5453} 4/28/2003
Very nice scene. Excellent captured!


Paulo Gama   {K:5067} 4/28/2003
Dramatic asnd strong image!! Fantastic!@!


Javed Rassi Javed Rassi   {K:8223} 4/28/2003
Beautiful compositon, dramatic sky,


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 4/28/2003
Talent is a thing that always dazzles me like a storm.
Very special, amigo.


Nicola Vassallo   {K:9801} 4/28/2003
stupenda! ci sarebbe da scrivere di tutto su una foto così, specialmente io che spesso adoro cieli così plumbei. un verde brillantissimo con un cielo da mozzare il fiato. notare all'orizzonte l'azzurrino del bel tempo. bella davvero!!!


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 4/28/2003
Excellente composição, Jordi. O contraste do "tapete" verde e as nuvens escuras é fantástico. Parabéns! ...... Lucas


Marcin Gorski   {K:12388} 4/28/2003
simply beautiful composition, great colours and mood


Francesco Raciti   {K:7101} 4/28/2003
excellent the best


ml D   {K:2787} 4/28/2003
Wonderful landscape ! Stunning dramatic sky ! Love this kind of "minimalist" composition !




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