Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 10/31/2007
Thank You dear Hussam ...I am very grateful for your support my friend !!!
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 10/31/2007
Amazing shot!
Leora Long
{K:11135} 9/25/2007
The older images are definitely worth keeping - your eye is what matters regardless of the camera.
Looking at this photo again, I love the water spilling over the rocks, so I'm glad I had another look.
It you want to start easy with PS the Elements is a great program for under $100.
I still use digital manually with my Nikon at times. But it is a nuisance using my older lens that are not AF...even though the D200 makes it easier.
So I am renting a 17-85 mm lens for shooting my niece's wedding in a couple of weeks...hoping everything goes smoothly.
Your friend, Lee
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/23/2007
Hi Lee, Thank YOU sincerely for such a great critique and helpful comments ... Very helpful and much appreciated .
I am not disagreeing with YOU a bit but I must also tell you that I was using a Cannon 'point + shoot' camera at that time ...At the end of Jan. I got my first Nikon and use it manually now but still learning...I really appreciate your time and great helpful ideas... Your friend for sure, Michele~ PS in-case you wonder why I would keep the old images it is just to remind myself how far I have come ...or not :))
Leora Long
{K:11135} 9/23/2007
Hi, Michele. I tend to agree with Martin and Jason regarding anomalies in the photo. It is beautiful, but there is a problem because of the size of the image.
There are streaks in the sky and the image looks overly sharp, so that the line between the water and rocks is too harsh.
And when I open it in PS I found it way too pixilated. So there is not a lot I can do, but maybe use levels to soften it a bit.
As Martin said, it is best to shoot at the largest image size that your camera will give you and then archive the original. Make adjustments to copies with new names or in new folders.
And like Martin said, you might need more memory on the camera. At home we have expanded our memory on the computer as well to accomodate photos and videos.
Some of your other water scenes are beautiful, too, but lose range and continuous tone if the files are too small.
Your friend, Lee

Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 2/3/2007
Thank You Erland !! Much appreciation !
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 2/3/2007
Another good shot from you erland
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/26/2007
Thank You John. Cheers
John Hatz
{K:156973} 1/25/2007
Nice image, I like the wildness of the sea and the calm sky - nature areas of the ground, nice compo that. Good colors too. Cheers!
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/19/2007
Thank You nessa .....Your comments are always highly valued! michele~
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 1/19/2007
Beautiful seascape ..love the water falling over the rocks ..lovely colour ..nessa
Martin .
{K:24957} 1/19/2007
Come see and come sigh... LMAO ... "Just Do It"...
I have been telling you this for some time now, but since you now have a camera that will do what you want, use it...
File size makes all the difference in the world regarding the quality of your shot at this point and time in your life... Then comes the glass and after that, comes the megapixels... In that order...
PS. Do not use Picassa, ever again! Email me and I'll get you something better, for sure... ;)
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/19/2007
Hi Marty,
Thanks for your explanation. I appreciate it very much. It's begining to make more sence to me by the minute cause my images are not hardly sharpened, or saturated or anything else... Yet the clarity is poor..... I don't even have PS..... but I do use Picassa.... Anyway thank you so much and I'll try shooting bigger ... I never knew there was a reason to do so :( Live and Learn ... Thankfully !
Martin .
{K:24957} 1/19/2007
I'm not sure why, but you still are posting small file sizes. This is destroying your picture quality by shooting, or posting such a small file size, which is 640 x 426... Your new camera will shoot a file size of 3008 x 2000, which is a little over 6 megapixels. Post the file as large as you can, like 850 x 517, but 850 on the largest size of the file, then the computer will adjust the smaller size for you...
I realize that shooting Large Fine file sizes take a lot of memory, but it's well worth getting a couple of more memory cards if needed. Memory cards have come way down in price, so grab 1, or 2 extras…
Also, this capture seems a bit over Photo Shopped IMHO... Allow me to explain. When it is over sharpened it becomes blurry and if over saturated with color it looks too broken up and separated. I’m not sure what you did to it in PS, but I can only guess at this point…
I use a 17" LCD monitor, which is small by today’s standards, but I have my screen resolution set on 800 x 600 so that what I'm viewing is very large and I can see every detail. That way I can see the hair on a fly’s butt… ;) It’s backwards when it comes to resolution, since smaller is bigger and bigger is smaller, when it comes to looking at an image on your monitor…
For now don't worry about megapixels, but do worry about file sizes. Shoot at the largest jpeg, or RAW if you want, then save it that way. When you edit it in any way, shape, or form save that file under a different name, so that you always have the original file to start over if you choose...
Hope this helps and if you want to email me for further explanation let me know...
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/18/2007
Thank You soooo much Robbie !! I really do appreciate your supportive comment tonight especially.
-Best wishes, Michele~
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/18/2007
Really Dave ? I guess I really needed to hear that:) I think it is defintely an improvememnt but seems like everyone see's things differently...... I mean besides that all of our monitors vary.
Anyway thank You so much !!! You really made my night !!
Cheers, Michele~
Robert Chin
{K:22282} 1/18/2007
Very nice image Michele,excellent composition and colors.Love the way the water is cascading over the rocks. A vast improvement over your Canon. 7+++ Robbie
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 1/18/2007
:) Oh, golly gee, Michele... awesome camera... you just don't know how much of an improvement the clarity of that picture is over your old camera... I am so thrilled to see you out shooting with the new one! WONDERFUL beachscape, girl!
Best wishes, Dave
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/18/2007
Thank You Leo .... Michele~
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 1/18/2007
Nice place Michele, and nice picture too... Leo
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/18/2007
Thank You Jason, I appreciate you r comment very much.... I sure wish I could get away from the color gradient in the sky and just post a perfect image ..Haaaaaahahahaa!!! Don't We All !!! I ever, barely so litely sharpened the image, and the same with saturation... since it was such a bright day so I am sort of confused. I'll get to the bottom of it if I end up with no post processing at all...
Once again thank you for your comment Jason. -Best wishes, Michele~
Jason Hopson
{K:3283} 1/18/2007
Hi Michele.
Very strong composition makes this image easy on the eyes. There does seem to be a small problem with the colour gradient in the sky, however. I sometimes see that with my images when I boost the saturation, and I've also been told it can result from sharpening an image.
Still a good picture, and I'm glad to see you haven't forgotten how to compose an image now that you have a fancy toy to play with/distract you.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 1/18/2007
Thank You so much Alicia !
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 1/18/2007
Espléndido mar, bello paisaqje... stupendas texturas! Felicitaciones Michele!