vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 3/8/2007
Love this capture ..wonder what is running through his mind ..perhaps he taking in the view of the landscape before him ..lovely dof and detail ..nessa 7/7
Martin .
{K:24957} 2/16/2007
Thanks for the tip, as I'll try that on my next post. I can't use PS very well at all, but I'm learning...
Marco Gutierrez
{K:435} 2/16/2007
Gennaro, as always your comments are appreciated. Thank you.
Marco Gutierrez
{K:435} 2/16/2007
Bruce, Thanks for the comment. I took four images of him but didn't get the horizon (the crestline of the Hindu Kush) in a single shot. You have a very good portfolio on Usefilm. I like "Busselton Pier" and "Gateway" very much.
Gennaro Manna
{K:21301} 2/16/2007
nice shot, great DOF and point view...congrats my friend gennaro
Marco Gutierrez
{K:435} 2/16/2007
No problem. My comment was not as clearly written as it should have been. What I was getting at, why it didn't work for me as a B&W, was that the brightness values ended around the 165 point on the histogram. The image didn't take advantage of the full range of tonal values available. I normally find images that use some of all the available tones more appealing. I know that this is highly subjective given that B&W images are more removed from reality than color.
I like the additional sharpening and levels adjustment you made to the image. I agree that it adds more detail and brilliance to the image.
Bruce Harper
{K:5305} 2/16/2007
I prefer Marco's crop to this one Martin because it gives a better sense of the scale of the view. I think it might have been even better if there had been a little bit of the horizon there as well. Nice job anyway Marco, quite a thought provoking image.
Marco Gutierrez
{K:435} 2/16/2007
Michael, Thank you for taking the time to comment on this image. You have an interesting portfolio. I particularly like the splash of color in "First snow".
Marco Gutierrez
{K:435} 2/16/2007
Claudio, Grazie per le vostre osservazioni gentili sulla mia fotografia. La vostra cartella ha molte buone immagini. Il mio favorito è "Meditazione".
Marco Gutierrez
{K:435} 2/16/2007
Randy, Thanks for your thoughtful comments on this image. I took a look at your portfolio. I like the sequence of images from the fair and the image titled "one step at a time". I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Martin .
{K:24957} 2/16/2007
Sorry, as I forgot to add the photo
 "Cropped, Chopped and Photo Shopped" |
Martin .
{K:24957} 2/16/2007
I am sorry for my harsh remarks before, but if you want to disagree with someone regarding their comments on my work, tell them not me...
And if you leave a comment for me, such as the B&W doesn't work for me helps nobody on the UF site to learn and grow... If you leave a critique on my work, tell me how to improve it, or why it “doesn’t work for you“...
On the bright side, your capture is "Awesome" indeed, but I cropped it a bit, as to lead the eye to the main subject. Sharpened slightly to see more detail and adjusted the white and black levels to the start of the histogram...
Thank you for sharing,
michael carrozza
{K:1425} 2/15/2007
excelent shot marco. perfect composition all around on the shot DOF is perfect.
Claudio Bonaccorsi
{K:2146} 2/15/2007
Ottima foto.
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 2/15/2007
Nicely composed, emotion provoking shot. The DOF is right on, just capturing enough detail in background to add to image but not detract from subject. The small green plant is an intregal element. It makes one wish to be able to sit and talk about what his thoughts are and what has gone on.