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winter within
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Image Title:  winter within
Favorites: 1 
 By: Robin W  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Robin W  Robin W {Karma:16308}
Project #8 Reflections Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Florals
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio winter floral
Lens Tamron 90mm 2.8 Macro
Uploaded 2/16/2007 Film / Memory Type SanDisk ExtremeIII 2.0 GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 535 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 23 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City - 
Country - United States   United States
About ISO100, 1/400, f/5.6
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There are 23 Comments in 1 Pages
Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 11/21/2007
Thank you gianna!


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 11/21/2007
Thank you for the comments and the favorite pick John, greatly appreciated! There is nothing wrong with your English my friend...your thoughts were expressed quite well. :)

Take care...Robin


gianna piano   {K:15530} 11/20/2007
nice point of view! great composition!


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 11/20/2007
into my that shot does not looks so good as it really is from the thumpnail... because that little drop does not viewed! BUT...what a fantastic reflection on it... plus a great flower, plus nice part to part lighting on the flower petals, plus not common petal shapes (nice flower...) plus great background support, it's pity that my english does not helps me to write what I really feal about that amazing photo Robin, my complements friend, that worths a lot!!!
Be well!!!!!


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 3/10/2007
Thanks Mel! All is well, just busy...babysitting Molly and visiting Tyler in the hospital, not much time left for other things. And cabin fever :(, I am SOOOO ready for Spring!



Ms. Mel Brackstone Ms. Mel Brackstone   {K:5285} 3/10/2007
Whoa!!! Nice catch, Robin!!! Excellent job on capturing the droplet so well, congratulations!
Thanks for your comments on my photos too, much appreciated. Hope all is well with you?


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 3/9/2007
If it weren't for the jewel (and thanks for that)I would have never posted this is not just you Doyle, something doesn't sit well with me either. For me, it has more to do with composition...*shrug*.

Awesomeness-ocity...I know that one, it's my favorite word!

:) Robin


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 3/9/2007
Now this one has given me the most trouble of all!

The BG bokeh and DOF blur are technically good . . . but they give me an odd, uneasy feeling . . . likely due to the colors . . . that it could be improved. But How? The sporadic light and shadow areas on the blossom itself are also unique . . . and (to me and likely ONLY to me) distracting. They just don't give me an overall pleasant, warm fuzzy feeling.

But THEN there's that remarkable diamond-like jewel in crystalline focal clarity displaying a truly stunning reflection that seems to be perfectly exposed!! I've blown it up, flipped it over . . . looked and tried to look away; it's truly an eye magnet.

And therein lies my monkey wrench as far as critiquing this picture. Would it be SO remarkable if the rest of the image was improved or is it the contrast that really makes it stand out?? Like a red dress in a Spielberg movie . . . it is the pinnacle of the composition.

So in place of a critique . . . you have instead my thoughts on this if that helps. And my congrats for the jewel. :) Due to the technical plus points and the awesomeness-ocity (it is too a word) of the drop you get a 7 from me. Now if you could just get a smilar one with Collin's eye . . . LoL!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 2/21/2007
Thank you Onie dear...glad you like. Just wish it was time for spring flowers outside...until then, purchased "Spring" will have to do!

Warm hugs...Robin


Leonie Fitzpatrick Leonie Fitzpatrick   {K:40551} 2/21/2007
The Golden Daffodil, made more so by Robin... :)

Lovely image Robin, daffodils are winter with the colour of summer... :) and that drop of water holding winter within, is like a snow globe...:)

Beautiful, clever and creative work again Sweet Lady...:)

Huge HUGS every day...:)



1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 2/20/2007
Hi gramma, this is another great macro shot, it amazes me on how you have an variety of composition using the macro. You sure can create Robin. I always admire your light.


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 2/19/2007
:) Thank you Mary!


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 2/19/2007
Such a beautifully engaging image Robin. That drop is amazing- such a wonderful title. Great colours and light.


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 2/19/2007
Warms my heart to see these colors topped by the delicate drop. Excellent detail, Robin.
--Best regards, Jan


Larry Fosse Larry Fosse   {K:66493} 2/18/2007
Wonderful light Robin....the water droplet & reflection makes this an exceptional composition


narabia   narabia     {K:9563} 2/17/2007
wow, amazing ligt, amazing drop and reflection


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 2/17/2007
Allen is goed mijn prachtige vriend! Dank u voor de vriendelijke woorden, Ik ben blij u houdt van!



Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 2/17/2007
Thank you Leo!


David Rodriguez David Rodriguez   {K:11965} 2/16/2007
Hermosa definicion. Muy buenos los detalles.
Saludos Robin


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 2/16/2007
Hallo mijn beste vriend Robin..hoe gaat het met uw..? excellent composite, full of color and so lively,many greetings,riny


Giuseppe Guadagno Giuseppe Guadagno   {K:34002} 2/16/2007
Clever Robin!



M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 2/16/2007
Great perspective …..


Leo Régnier  Я£ Leo Régnier  Я£   {K:67696} 2/16/2007
What detail!!!!
GREAT!!! Congrats my friend,




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