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Image Title:  Giraffe
Favorites: 0 
 By: Sylvia Marriott  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Sylvia Marriott  Sylvia Marriott {Karma:12812}
Project #56 Wildlife and Insects Camera Model Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Categories Wildlife
Film Format Digital JPEG
Portfolio Wildlife
Lens Canon Zoom Lens
Uploaded 3/29/2007 Film / Memory Type SD1G
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 602 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 42 Rating
/ 9 Ratings
Location City -  Port Elizabeth
Country - South Africa   South Africa
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There are 42 Comments in 1 Pages
Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 2/18/2008
thank you very much for commenting my dear friend!!



Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 2/18/2008
This image is so wonderful!!
All the best.


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 8/5/2007
Hi John,
We were so lucky that day, there was a whole 'family' of giraffes on the side of the road so we could take our time taking photos. Its incredible how tall they actually are:) Thank you for commenting on this photo my dear friend:)



John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 8/5/2007
Absolutely amazing photo Sylvia, great the way the head - neck viewed only even it just be down, really a very impressive and unique photo for me, excellent quality too!!!


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 7/6/2007
Hi Luigi,
I am so glad that you like this photo. I was lucky to get the giraffe sitting at the side of the road with her entire family:) Thank you for your lovely comment my dear.



Luigi Andena   {K:3580} 7/5/2007
this giraffe appeals to much Sylvia to me is extended on the grass pleasantly and seems much calm one. The colors are beautiful but also it puts down it and the contrasts of its livery with the soft and uniform atmosphere. Well done Hi


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 4/17/2007
Hi Arthur,
Thanks for the comment:) There was a family of them just sitting by the side of the road, a couple of minutes after this shot was taken it got up and wandered over to a tree and started browsing, I took a couple of pics which I will probably post at a later date.



Arthur Kornienko   {K:9686} 4/17/2007
What a treat to be able to take pictures of giraffes and cheetahs. This is a super shot of the giraffe, he looks like he(or she) is just resting a having a merry old time. Colours and foliage look super, well done Slvia, best regards.


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 4/11/2007
Hi Alessandro,
I'm glad you enjoyed the photo of the giraffe, your comments are really appreciated so much.



Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 4/11/2007
Hi Alyazi,
I agree it would be great to have a giraffe as a pet but it would be hard to scratch it behind the ears:) :)
Thank you for your lovely comment, much appreciated.


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 4/11/2007
Hi Nicole,
I agree with you that Giraffes are so beautiful:)
I'm glad you like the photo.Thanks for the lovely comments
I hope you had a wonderful Easter:)



Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 4/11/2007
Hi Maryanne,
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it:-)



alessandro reggiani   {K:4791} 4/11/2007
wonderful shot of this beautiful animal


Alyazi Al Ameri   {K:207} 4/8/2007
i wish i could have a friendship with such a pet lool :) cute animal
I loved the shot too


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 4/8/2007
Hi Sylvia,hope that you are well!! What a beautiful capture of this giraffe my dear!Giraffes are so beautiful and I like it to take pictures of them.
You have done a wonderful job.
Happy Easter to you,Nicole


Maryanne Murillo Maryanne Murillo   {K:11617} 4/3/2007
Very nice. Interesting, eye-catching composition. Nicely done.



Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 4/2/2007
Glad you enjoyed the photo Allen, thank you for your kind comment



Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 4/1/2007
Hi Ali,
Thank you for your always kind and thoughtful comments.



Allen Aisenstein Allen Aisenstein   {K:5652} 4/1/2007
Excellent wildlife capture. Nice work!


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 4/1/2007
This is a wonderful Wild Life image, well exposed and of very great composition and so pleasant to view

Wishing you all of the best my friend


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/31/2007
Hi Armando,
Thank you for your comment, glad you like it.
Thinking of you, get well soon my dear.


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/31/2007
Hi Orazio,
I am so glad you liked the giraffe photo, thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment



Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/31/2007
Hi Shadi,
Thank you for your comment, glad you liked it:-)



Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/31/2007
Hi Riny,
Thank you so much for your kind comment

Good Night


wonderful capture! 7+++++++!!
thanks for your wishes my dear friend, greetings from Peru ;)


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 3/31/2007
Very nice natural shot my dear friend,greetings,riny


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 3/31/2007
Amazing animal shot.Great scene with superb colours and lights.


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 3/31/2007
very good shot bravoo
all of the best


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/31/2007
Hi Pablo,
Thank you my friend, glad you liked it


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 3/31/2007
Very nice capture,i like it.
Brava Sylvia.



Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/30/2007
Hi Srna,
We were so lucky that day, there was a whole little family of them just by the side of the road. It is incredible how tall they are;-)and those wonderful long eyelashes are to die for;-)
Thank you for your comment and the
final rating:-)


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 3/30/2007
What a moment to catch this giraffe my dear ... while she was not standing :) !!! Excellent composition and it seems she did not even notice you :) !!! Bravo my dear Sylvia !!!
7 +++


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/30/2007
Hi Humayun,
Thank you for your very nice compliments on my portfolio and the 'giraffe' photo, much appreciated
PS Looking forward to seeing some of your SA pics on UF in the future;-)


Humayun Rizwan   {K:3235} 3/30/2007
EXCELLENT capture, Sylvia 7++++
For a beginer.. you have a great eye.. and an IMPRESSIVE portfolio! :)
I've been to your beautiful country and have many photographs and memories. Would love to go there again.
Best wishes


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/30/2007
Hi Robbie,
We were lucky that day, there was a whole family of Giraffes sitting next to the road, so we managed to get a lot of shots of them. Thank you for your comment on the photo much appreciated.


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/30/2007
Hi Joe,
Thank you for the comment. We were so lucky that day there was a whole family sitting literally at the side of the dirt road, so beautiful!



Robert Chin   {K:22282} 3/30/2007
Lovely portrait Sylvia,nice colors and the head held high into the trees.
Take care


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/30/2007
Hi Rania,
Thank you for visiting my portfolio and commenting on my photo;-)


Joe Brown Joe Brown   {K:23213} 3/30/2007
Hi Sylvia,
Great shot, you don't see shots of them sitting down too often. very nice composition. I've got a bit of catching up to do as I haven't been around here much lately.


Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/30/2007
Hi Jose,
Thank you so much for your valued comments.



Rania Osman Rania Osman   {K:429} 3/29/2007
Beautiful photo .



Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 3/29/2007
great composition. simply gorgeous. 7+++++++++++++




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