Udayan Kapur
{K:709} 11/23/2007
adorable n amazing shot !!
Ziad Kadi
{K:2847} 9/22/2007
Thanks John. :)
Ziad Kadi
{K:2847} 9/22/2007
Thanks so much peta. I hope that your dreams come true one day. :)
John Hatz
{K:156973} 9/21/2007
hmmm...that is much better, lol...not as a shot but because I prefere to see that more calm...great focus here!
p e t a .
{K:18700} 9/21/2007
I am so so jealous! I would love to be close to any of the big cats, its definately a dream of mine. This is my fav - perfect choice of angle. Adorable!
Ziad Kadi
{K:2847} 9/20/2007
Thanks Elisa. Im glad you like this. Regards
{K:26787} 9/19/2007
Great angle, Ziad ... absolutely irresistible :)))
Ziad Kadi
{K:2847} 9/19/2007
Thanks Sam. I appreciate it.
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 9/19/2007
cute image and nice cheetah cub well done
Ziad Kadi
{K:2847} 9/18/2007
Thank you Armen. :)
Ziad Kadi
{K:2847} 9/18/2007
Thank you very much Mario. :)
Ziad Kadi
{K:2847} 9/18/2007
Thanks Alicia. For now she can run in the yard. But later I have to think of something, maybe a cheetah shelter in South Africa. Thank you for commenting.
Armen Haroutunyan
{K:4787} 9/18/2007
lovely shot
M. Š.
{K:2697} 9/18/2007
Cute little cheetah, very tender photo! Great focus and DOF! Good job!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 9/18/2007
Felices sueños!!! Por dónde estará corriendo? Felicitaciones!!!
Ziad Kadi
{K:2847} 9/18/2007
Thanks Sunny Rainy. Sweet dreams!
Sunny Rainy
{K:241} 9/17/2007
mmm... so sweet :) & I'm going to sleep soon ha-ha Favourite :) 7