{K:30945} 1/26/2004
This is so great dear Bere. Love it. I didnot know that you are here tooo. Nice to see you, I put it in my friends list to monitor your work. Kiss biliana
Sandra Battaglia
{K:910} 1/24/2004
Wonderful repetitions and DOF. The dark doorway beckons to me. :)
{K:4149} 11/28/2003
excelent perspective and light condition. regards.
Diamantino Mendes
{K:12959} 11/27/2003
Uma perspectiva grandiosa e cheia de arte. Abração.
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 8/24/2003
Wonderful composition and perspective.
Raffaele Bonivento
{K:442} 5/19/2003
Great perspective study. Grain is not disturbing here. Nice Job!
Gregoir Hoppenbrouwers
{K:1073} 5/19/2003
Strong composition with a nice perspective !
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 5/19/2003
This is an excellent perspective and almost perfect simmetry, very good composition
paola f. casali
{K:7301} 5/18/2003
Excellent perspective, Berenice!!! You have very beautiful shots in your portfolio!!! Bravo :))))
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 5/18/2003
Excellent compoced, great perspective. Regards Kaj Nielsen
Betsy Hern
{K:12872} 5/18/2003
You have a very impressive portfolio of work. This is one of my favorites of yours because of its point of view. You've cropped it just right and there is no distortion in the columns as often happens. The lighting is wonderful for the detail in the ceiling and columns and floor. As everyone else has said, the perspective is awesome. I cherish the photographers from different countries here on Usefilm because they afford me the chance to visit all the corners of the world through their vision. I can imagine myself in Paris through your photo, walking down this aisle in awe at my surroundings. Someday I will go to Paris and because of your photo will definitely go to see the Palais Royal. Thank you for sharing.
Vitor Azinheira
{K:2338} 5/18/2003
Well done,good prespective w/detail,regards.
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 5/18/2003
excellent perspective
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 5/18/2003
Olá Berenice: Excellent. Uma composição à medida da sua arte e engenho. Os meus sinceros parabéns. Um sorriso da MEmar
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 5/18/2003
Superb perspective,Berenice!Congrats,Marco.
Stephen Laszlo
{K:2086} 5/17/2003
Very impressive and powerful work! Outstanding.
Estevao Jose
{K:6115} 5/17/2003
Muito equilíbrio na arquitetura e zig-zag nas luminárias (deles)!!! Um tiro com uma pontaria incrível (seu), fessôra, nota 10, pára-choques procê, e inté (como diz o Ari)!!!
Marios Yiatzidis
{K:2243} 5/17/2003
Amazing perspective Berenice! Fantastic work!!
Rena Tsiflidou
{K:2606} 5/16/2003
Fine work, I like the angle and the grain!
William Tell
{K:5241} 5/16/2003
Superb perspective !! K**
Carlos Carreto
{K:716} 5/16/2003
Excelente pespectiva
Rob Patrick
{K:2177} 5/16/2003
Outstanding composition! Well done.
Regina Lopes
{K:1237} 5/16/2003
Excellent perspective.
Alex Uchôa
{K:18547} 5/16/2003
Composição impecável. Muito bem feita, Berenice.
Gatis Ozolins
{K:1502} 5/16/2003
nice perspective, but a little too symmetric. You may move central point sligthly from center
Pedro Antunes
{K:35} 5/16/2003
For people like me that is used to watch your work, this is your work, your state of mind, your status in photo jornalism. Symmetry is another great shot from you. Shell i say keep it going or should i thank you for sharing with us your wonderful work??? Congrats Berê
Lorenzo Lessi
{K:6589} 5/16/2003
Superb, excellent perspective anf light. It's a bit grainy, anyway...
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 5/16/2003
Carole Bradford
{K:10715} 5/16/2003
Excellent perspective and textures! Well done!
Cristiano Corte
{K:10836} 5/16/2003
Excellent sophisticated work, perfect geometric optical games. Ciao, Cris.-
{K:16195} 5/16/2003
Excellent perspective,great composed.
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 5/16/2003
meravigliosa geometria!
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 5/16/2003
Excelente pespectiva e luz Berê, um abraço!
edmond lisy
{K:10311} 5/16/2003
Great perspective !!
{K:1528} 5/16/2003
Beautiful textures and leading lines...
Ari A. Alves (alvesari)
{K:7733} 5/16/2003
Wonderful composition Berê.
- simos -
{K:9354} 5/16/2003
Great! good perspective.. regards, simo
T Glow
{K:14955} 5/16/2003
Great perspective... nice work! regards,T.
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 5/16/2003
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 5/16/2003
Remarkable compositon. Wonderful repetitive pattern.