Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 4/19/2008
Alida, Thank you sooo much. Iwill lokk at your portfolio next. Groete , Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 4/19/2008
Zoran , Thanks . I have not yet looked at your portfolio. Groete, Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 4/19/2008
Dear Jen, Thanks for your kind comments. I appreciate it it. Groete, Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 4/19/2008
Thank you. It is good to have your pics appreciated. Groete, Cas.
{K:70138} 4/19/2008
good macro !
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 4/18/2008
Excellent macro, like milk and honey, wonderful clear and sharp, just love it! Have a nice weekend, Jen
Zoran Perić
{K:-284} 4/18/2008
Very nice shot and beautiful yellow color.
Alida Yolanda
{K:11523} 4/18/2008
Excellent macro, congrat!