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..::Crucifix of dead::..
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Image Title:  ..::Crucifix of dead::..
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 By: Ivona Lozic  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Ivona Lozic  Ivona Lozic {Karma:6799}
Project #56 Wildlife and Insects Camera Model Pentax K10d
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Nature (flora&fauna)
Lens DA 18-50 ED
Uploaded 6/8/2008 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 597 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 12 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
State -  CRO
Country - Croatia   Croatia
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There are 12 Comments in 1 Pages
Neven S. Neven S.   {K:1642} 6/22/2009
haha, imas uvrnutu mastu Ivona ;)


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 1/27/2009

Wise words.
I had the similar attitude.
But due to an illnes and aging it hits back on me.
Thats all I wanna say.
Love, Harry


Ivona Lozic Ivona Lozic   {K:6799} 1/26/2009
When I get older? I don't think about that days..
there's one quote (more like graffiti) "die young, be nice corpse..." kidding..

From where comes my dark side? Don't know.. I had some bad moments in my childhood, like stupid war, which is also reason why I can't remember my childhood.. Recently I lost some close persons.. that could be reason also..

But u know what, I'm no looking for reason... I do not want to.. why should I think about something that "was" before? Most important to me is to know that I can go on, even through dark periods..

self mutilation? no, not any more.. i used, when i was teenager, to write on my hands with some sharp objects (needles) but it was short period, and have no scars, at least not from the ourside..
bye, my friend..


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 1/25/2009
Thanks for your explanation Ivona. "interesting" but also a little sad. Nice for now but what when you get older. Any idea where it comes from ?
My dark side is related to a violent childhood and death is mere an escape from all pain, i love to life but the dark is stronger now, i hate it but by expressing it i can let go some .
"I don't kill, I don't bite, I don't torture... I'm just what I am :-)"

hahhah i am not afraid, i think you are a kind person for others. you dont do self mutilation do you ?
keep going in photography and in deed use it in the dark periods to release it. thats a good method.

be well, harry


Ivona Lozic Ivona Lozic   {K:6799} 1/23/2009
Dear, Wolf...
This frog was last from "nailed" project.. first one was this fly...

Why did I do that? I don't know how to explain... sometimes I have dark periods, sometimes I just feel like I need to create something.. I don't think much what's gonna be.. sometimes, result is totaly different than things from where I started... In my dark periods, photos are more dark, bw, or full of dead (like ..::Hanged...::.., ..::The Sorrows of Young Werther::.., ..::The Thorn Birds::., etc)... in creative period, they are creative (like ..::From Olympic Games::.., ..::High temp::.., ..::Chinese woman project::.., etc)..

when people feel sad, or bad, or they just feel like loosing control of their lifes, most of them drink, or take drugs, or..whatever.. In that period, I'm looking to escape in photography.. In last few dark periods I was looking for adrenaline in photography - all in one - for example, I climb on high places without insurance, stay under the motorbikes while they jump over me, etc.. I like my dark periods..

Am I friendly? U should ask people around me..
I don't kill, I don't bite, I don't torture... I'm just what I am :-)


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 1/22/2009
I assume the frog was already dead.
No I couldnt do it either, but I realise I can change and do it as well. I dont find you crazy, nor a sadomachosist nor whatever negative.
Your face in the sky tells me you are just very curious and investigative. I even envy that lust for exploration and it inspires me.

Are you a friendly person ?
What is the reason for the frog crusification ?

Its controversial and interesting. Teach me who you are.



Ivona Lozic Ivona Lozic   {K:6799} 1/21/2009
Yes, Wolf, I do mostly all by myself, cause can't find assistant crazy enough like me.. :-)


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 1/21/2009
Full of sadomasochism. Love your confrontating images,
They inspire me. Did u nail the fead frog yourself ?


Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 8/20/2008
It's marvellous capture.

Have a nice day.



Ania Blazejewska Ania Blazejewska   {K:23981} 6/26/2008
very interesting idea Ivona


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 6/14/2008
Otro impactante trabajo mi querida amiga, tiene una gran fuerza emotiva.
Un abrazo!


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 6/9/2008
nice work




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