Betsy Hern
{K:12872} 6/11/2003
You have an interesting portfoilio of work, hope to see more soon. this one I find fascinating, it has almost a fantasy otherworld quality to it. Very imaginative. Thanks for your sepia idea on my Mum photo. It's easy to take the Photoshop way out, which is not always bad but there are so many options in digital manipulation that, when explored, end up enhancing, or degrading the original. I'm starting to become somewhat anti-digital and exploring the use of simple (and kind of crappy) cameras and actually making the enlargements in a real darkroom, nothing digital. It's becoming more rewarding than I thought.
andrew vonbank
{K:2811} 5/29/2003
Unusual choice of filter and color swap, Seb. Alien, or color blind? Interesting infra-pink image. Beautifully fun.
steve sanders
{K:144} 5/29/2003
really punk rock pink haha good stuff. nice composition
seb adore
{K:158} 5/29/2003
This camera is not infrared compatable, but still, I like to experiment.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 5/29/2003
original color.lovely
Julie Buckwald
{K:526} 5/29/2003
i disagree with Felipe about the exposure. It goes without saying that the colour is so surreal. wow
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 5/29/2003
I love IR (and I also have that Hoya filter), but I find this shot too fuzzy and overexposed. I am not sure about the color either.