pepita blu
{K:5935} 6/12/2003
great!!! great!! great!!
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 6/11/2003
nice see http://www.mav.cl/foto/batista/ i think you will like his work
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 6/9/2003
Know what appeals to me about your photos Darrin? For all the exotic locales, they always teem with life. This one is no exception. As image like this is exactly the cure for my world-weariness because of its vibrance. Hardly surprising that such energy emerges from your camera given your own energy. Another joy to behold.
Elangovan S
{K:10675} 6/8/2003
Oh... boy! You capture this amazing golden color so well... I rembere this image from photo.net being selected as photo of the week. very deserved. along with the colors it tells the local life... wonderful as always.
David Tasker
{K:4281} 6/7/2003
Beautiful Travel Picture. I think to crop 1 to 2 cm from the bottom to help. The tall picture is hard to appreciate, perhaps different when viewd as is on a wall and framed. Good Work
Marco Brivio
{K:14339} 6/7/2003
Fantastic tele-shot with warm charming tones
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 6/7/2003
This really is wonderful, Darrin... golden, lush, and rich in atmosphere, with the toning of the sky providing interesting and dramatic effect. A wonderful title to boot... I see you have put down the Ale long enough to post more masterpieces ;-)... I can't keep up... Hope you and Andy had a rollicking good time... Aloha, GP.
Peppino Bonu
{K:7607} 6/7/2003
Excellent for composition, colours, reflections and light contrast.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 6/7/2003
fantastic sceene!
Rena Tsiflidou
{K:2606} 6/7/2003
A great travel photo!
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 6/7/2003
pleasing warm tones and lighting,very nice image.