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XXI century head delivery
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 By: absynthius .  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer absynthius .  absynthius . {Karma:20748}
Project #10 Grainy Film for Effect Camera Model .
Categories Photoart
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Uploaded 8/24/2009 Film / Memory Type .
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Views 668 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 21 Rating
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Location City -  Prishtine
State -  KOSOVE
Country - Albania   Albania
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There are 21 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 11/22/2009
Well, precision is always bringing much potential for failure too, Avi, but as the whole process of maturing is based also on failures (as negative lessons about what to not do) it is good to have them. One just has to examine them carefully and extract possible conclusions.

Good musicians seem to do that too, many times. During their evolution they seem to remove more and more of the "erroneous" elements and so they can find their own signature, distilled out of an otherwise shapeless mixture of influences, ideas and directions. So, at the end there are the few good ones that are immediately recognizable (and also not copyable) and the big rest of bad copies of copies of imitations. But still one has to go through that process instead of assuming being recognizable as "something special" right from the start, like too many wannabes do here too. ;-)




absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 11/19/2009
hi Nick and thanks a lot for the reply, and sorry for the delayed reply of mine.
yes, exactly that, having great friends around, is such a desirable thing. not for the mere fact of having them to push away the futility of the life with cynical and suspicious approach on birth and rebirth, but also motivation to bring that all in a higher level where talking explicitly of metaphorically does not really matter- for all is stripped and naked, voulentarily shaped for us! and that's great. ;)

well, that precise carving of a certain matter is the main characteristic of any arts, and if any forms of arts is (or the fact of doing it) does not get there, then it is prone to failiure. like, we see here in abundance!

about Gilmour and his guitar (which is my second favorite aspect of the Wall, first being Water and his singing), not only in the Wall, but in most of the albums, even in his solo ones, i am fascinated with his struming and the way he pushes the strings, how high he takes the notes- in all the the tones~ as if replacing all the noise of dribbling through the neck of guitar with a single immaculate touch and vibrato... like you said, the complexity of reducing to the maximum/ leaving trash away, in most propper definition.



Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 11/5/2009
The "use of it" is just that we... talk in such a good way, Visar! In all the deepest sense of the word and not just for the typical scratching of the surface of problems. It is much like ignoring all the limitations of "diplomatic correctness" and trusting the ways of thinking minds, ey? I couldn't find any better use than that for it is communication and evolution and education of my own mind - all at the same time. Since you referred to music, I use the same way in order to perhaps describe that a bit better. It is the good old "the Who":

From you I get opinions.
From you I get the story

So, I can be only glad for you, for Avi, for Andre, for all the great guys out there who give me such mind enlightening presents on a daily schedule. I feel lucky, really lucky for that!

About that line "... i went to school and became everyone's fool...", it is unfortunately the truth told in such a cynical and humorous way that one doesn't know it it should be a smile or a sadness... Another very very long story here and the interpretation of the reasons why that line is so true goes far, far, far.

But the brief comment on that couls also be: Perhaps the kids are not to be blamed at all for that. Perhaps they are nit at all to be blamed for turning "insane" as the time passes by. Perhaps their reaction is only very very healthy and it is the teachers that are to blame. Do you remember your last teacher, or in general mentor, of whom you can say that he/she didn't consider his/her work as "just another job to be done"? ;-)

Turning again to music and to the album "The Wall". It is also one of my favorites, and as you might have expected it is (for me) to a big part also because of the guitar work. This is no more knowing what to play... This is much more knowing what to leave out and thus densening the audio impression to the outmost degree. Gilmour started his quite strict densening of sound by simplifying it much much earlier of course, and this is already completely audible on albums like for example "Dark side of the moon". But the culmination of that development took place on "The wall", which for me represents one of the very milestones of modern music alone for that. It is the reduction to the maximum, as we would say, and making things more and more complex is of course no problem, but in how far can things be reduced by still retaining their own unambiguous definition?

Which of course can be applied to photography too.




absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 11/2/2009
ah Nick, you do make me some strange questions- which, nonetheless, i do willingly answer, but not really know the use of it!! :(

but, let me just tell you for the record that the album "The Wall" by Pink Floyd, is one my ever favorite of all times- and, i deliver here a line of mine in sarchastic sense "... i went to school and became everyone's fool..." ;)

well... cheers,


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/25/2009
Exactly, Visar!

There is no other way to exist that to sipmly... exist. The many "labels" are of course very good on the path of dealing with such matters and at least making some few tired steps forward.

It is much like the... don't laugh! ;-) .. it is much like the exoerimental results lying there in front of you. This is the truth. It is for example 3.57m/s. Now, this may be the truth but the possible interpretations of the truth, the possible ways to embed this result to a self-containing view (a theory) are of a great variety. Most of the time it will be hard to decide between the many candidates, but at the end and after a very uncomfortable route of many many small steps at least some few of the potential candidates (=theories) can be disposed safely. Notice that we are talking about disposal of the impossible and not about approval of the true in sciences like for example physics or chemistry, etc.

But then again, even if physical existence has been already disposed as "impossible", the sweet little queen of all knowledge, who is a queen that *serves* but never *commands*, that very queen, mathematics, comes and states: It exists within my mind and that's enough existence for me. ;-) Well, be very careful here! be careful since this means that mathematics will still examine for example the properties and the possible theorems of something like the continuum, even *after* it has been disposed the physical way. ;-) Physics can readily show that there can be no such physical thing like a "continuum". But mathematics says: Never mind, it is very interesting to examine it as if it were existent.

So, any parallels to philosophy? It is just examining things that are existent, not necessarily physically, but surely mentally. And thus also the great correspondence to your words: "all human *intellectual* invention, at times beautiful and hilarious, as well as as stupid as it can get: full of trivialities~ and yet, this only existence, is fully self contained and 'infinite' world/ existence stands totally indifferent to them all~ it just does its thing."

So... Why are you not a mathematician? Why? ;-)




absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 10/23/2009
Hi Nick and thanks a lot for your further elaboration on the matter.

Now, I see of what images you are referring on the stream of Andre. I of course wasn’t pointing out at a single one of them, but rather a few, which, really are embodiment of absurdity. I think there is great arguments of resignation to recognizing that a full rational explanation of various human manifestations of life, and totality of universe, is beyond reach; and thus, we may assume ultimately that the world is to be seen as such- absurd.

I see well what you mean, when you compare *art* manifestations of life which may well use any free imagination to illustrate an idea about it, and there is many movements of such nature, all having in common the ONE existence. In that sense, you’re practically right when you state of that ONE existence, and us being the ones that shape the meaning of it, with our concrete presence.

As for *other existence* (and me being not thorough in explaining my understanding), and what I hint with it is that the ‘Life’ celebrates itself in various labels in human interactions, all human *intellectual* invention, at times beautiful and hilarious, as well as as stupid as it can get: full of trivialities~ and yet, this only existence, is fully self contained and 'infinite' world/ existence stands totally indifferent to them all~ it just does its thing.



Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/20/2009
I meant some "other" images of Andre, Visar, which I can't find so easily since it is some time ago that he posted them. The common element of them to this one was... "surreal reality", or a very very familiar and yet strange kind of reality, if you like. (Yes, he makes such images too.)

It is much like the strange things that happen in dreams. They are strange when you are awake but while you sleep they are kust... OK. No problems with them.

For example here... I would jump through the ceiling of I would see a headless person reading a newspaper without letters, but on your image it is just OK. A totally normal headless person reads a totally normal newspaper without letters. So I see it, anyway. It is much like the "unnormal normality" of all those suggestive cognitive connections and relationships that the brain does while we the operative parts of our operating systems are shut down, until the new start early in the morning - or a bit later too! ;-)

BTW, there is only one existence. There are many thought out possibilities, but they are just that: Thought out. They fact that we think them out is way not a fundament for a possibility. But on the way for cognition a brain *has* to also "invent" some "thought out possibilities". The analysis would go much too far here, but the main thing is: It is very good that it is this way. Very efficient and at the same time also very "stable" and self-containing for generation of a "model of the world" in mind that contains auxiliary concepts which are themselves nonexistent but very helpful as tools for comprehending the existent.




absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 10/19/2009
Hi Nick,

now, i do know that Andre's images are what one would describe real, in visual apearance, and faithful to the world outside and its manifestation, they reach absurdity, in what they seal in their contours, despite what there is real and appearing to be so. that's a craft of its own.
... that is the way of manifastation of a certain phenomenas and the way we choose to present it; which entirely depends on the author.

sometime, the presence of a single detail, that in appearance is obselete, it withholds an entire story to be unfolded. and that is a distinct pleasure for me.

we have, and will still have the whole history of humanity being written everyday in its (claiming to be) most accurrate to how it happened. a vision, and idea, can always do good to it~ so that perspective takes a slight turn, just to remember the possibility of another existence. ;)

thanks a lot for your comment, and cheers,


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/16/2009
Even the vignetting fits the whole presentation completely and perfectly, Visar. In some sense it reminds me of some images of Andre Dennis regarding the "reality of the absurd" but in some other senses it stand in complete opposition to Andre's images.

The resolution of a "mystery" to something that gets more and more familiar, the longer I look. The well defined overall subject doesn't need any additional details and "despriptions of the finest part", as it is rather the whole that you choose to stay with. As in many other of your images, that is. It is much like posing the question: "How much unneeded parts can we take away from something in order for that something to be still immediately recognizable and completely defines?" I think that your art to reduce to the max already achieved extremely string levels.




absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 8/31/2009
glad you do...



absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 8/31/2009
Hi Gustavo,

one might say it is a surrealist presantation,



absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 8/31/2009
thanks a lot Kallol- much appreciated you comment.



absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 8/31/2009
Supriyo, i am really flattered.

thank you a lot,


absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 8/31/2009
thank you Malules,
i apprechiate you comment.



absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 8/31/2009
Hi Saad,

i think that "modern art" is actually very easy, only it looks towards creativity of idea manifestation-

here i think i have stated everything so plainly!- and i am sure you do understand it right.



Kasia Z Kasia Z   {K:63} 8/27/2009
i like it ...


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 8/26/2009
Excelente, una idea de corte surrealista.



Kallol Majumdar Kallol Majumdar   {K:27691} 8/25/2009
Brilliant shot...very well done...nice grains and shadow...


Supriyo R. Sarkar Supriyo R. Sarkar   {K:7582} 8/25/2009
masterpiece dear masterpiece.
What a magnificent portfolio you have.


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 8/24/2009
Excellent work!!
love it!


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 8/24/2009
I wish I have understand it ,as you meant it,
the same is to be said for the preceding one too,
will try once more.modern art sometimes are so difficult for some old minded ,like mine.
my best wishes,




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