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 By: Jim Loy  
  Copyright ©2010

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Photographer Jim Loy  Jim Loy {Karma:31373}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon 8800
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon  200 mm Macro
Uploaded 1/26/2010 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Velvia RVP
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 264 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 5 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  Near Newark
Country - United States   United States
About In America we are now a consumer nation. In the past, we built and manufactured items to send/sell around the world. Over the past few decades we have become known as a “disposable” society… there are so many things at such a small price that we can throw items away and buy new just as easily as repair the old things. Americans have gotten into the habit of tossing out perfectly good items just so we can purchase shiny new items.
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There are 5 Comments in 1 Pages
Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 1/28/2010
Is it possible to eat schnitzel with chopsticks??? Since Roj (and I really, really, really do like him) said "discussion over" I cannot continue on his post. I will say, however, that many people around the world see Americans but do not know what we are all about. Yes, we have some who stereotype us to the Bejaysus... but the independent fervor that pervades the blood of "State's Rights" advocates is out of the scope of people who believe big government owes it to the people to take care of them. The gotvernment is not a parent... it is our child. We should not look to government to take care of us, to allow us certain rights... we should look to government to move only so far as we allow them the right... and hold them accountable. The government does not own a single penny. Every cent of the money is on loan from the people. And, same as when a child spends in a reckless and dangerous manner, there are times we need to pull back the allowence. Per capita, the American people donate to charity more than any other nation. We are a generous and giving people... but there are those who play the system and live generations while always taking and never producing. The needy will be taken care of... the greedy need to pick up a shovel and start working for a living. Thanks for the comment. OH! And for those still a bit confused... The United States is NOT a democracy... we are a representative Republic. If I made any mistakes here (factual or ficticious... it was probably Bush's fault...)


Rick Koth Rick Koth   {K:2971} 1/28/2010
I'm sorry Mr Zorrito and Mr Skinner but you are wrong on the whole health care debate. I agree with my friend Mr Loy. I would vote for Brown over Obama any day. First off when it comes to health care in the United States we already have free health care and have had for many years. If you are sick you just walk into any hospital and they can't refuse you health care even if you don't have insurance. That is one of the reasons we have 20 to 40 MILLION illegal imigrants here. They walk accross the border and go staight to the hospital. Canadians have nationalised health care yet they come here regularly for treatments they can't get at home. Plus the fact that perhapd I don't want government medling in ANY of my afairs!
As for the whole miltary thing I tend to agree with you Roger. the U.S. should keep their nose out of everybody elses buisness. Although you would probably be speaking Japanese and eating with chopsticks right about now and Wolf would be speaking German and eating schnitzel.
Have a great day.

P.S. Great photo Jim


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 1/27/2010
I thought long and hard and then thought Wolf is right... I dont understand how a country so concerned about its fellow man to the point that it transports its culture militarily politically (via espionage etc)and socially on the rest of the planet (where there is a buck to be made that is.. (I mean sod Sudan and Etheopia) yeah where was I that would NOT have a fair and equitable medical benefits scheme.. It is a nonsense to leave health care in the hands of the individual.. the satae has an obligation need and a right to support its citizens in such a away. I sent your email to me about this issue to LL and asked her to respond to you cos she does all that sort of thing.. she never did.. I know little of it to be truthful I know that we are in the highest private hospital fund which means if we need or desire to go to hospiatl we can do so tomorrow if we want.. we dont have to wait like the public patients do.. they dont pay the premium and get the reduced service.. This suits me fine.. I can afford it... but to live without any medical insurance I think is really, folly. OK so I dont know what it costs us, but when push came to shove for me around my two femoral artery operations.. I booked in and went to hospital when I was ready, the cost $0:00 to me... all completely claimable.. same when I had my two strokes in 2007.. same when I sliced my hand off with the electric saw back in 1994.. same with Mels scholeosis operation on her back.. I think the Medicare levy is still one cent a week.. which is what I pay to support the less fortunate.. who I will admit I would not pee on if they were on fire in most cases... the sad souls at Sth Muswellbrook pharmacy lining up for their methadone.. but a cent doesn't really bother me... same with the ABC the public (govt owned) brodcaster.. cost me 8 cents a day... personally I reckon its worth a dollar a day and would pay that too.. what do the bumper stickers say Independent Broadscating.. simple as ABC.. I know that I have no corporate barrow being pushed around content news content etc etc.. end of discussion


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 1/26/2010
If it had been a national election MM and I would have voted for Brown.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 1/26/2010
........ including disposable presidents .......... ;)
and so sad for ex senator Kennedy that rep Brown takes hos place and fights the health bill Kennedy promoted .... ;)




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