Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 12/2/2011
Ott mi is voltunk. Igaz este, akkor fullon volt minden!:) Viszont, amikor kimentünk a Lidora szieszta környékén, akkor a kutya nem volt sehol!:)
Zsolt Radákovits
{K:10376} 12/1/2011
Szia Jani!
Pont még nem indúlt be a zaba. Fóka volt bőven. Alig tudtam összehozni annyian mászkáltak keresztbe:)
Itt készült, a Pantheonnak háttal állva bal kéz felé van a Residence di Rienzo http://maps.google.hu/maps?q=41.899441,12.476532&hl=hu&ll=41.89945,12.476535&spn=0.001095,0.002064&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=6&z=20 :)))) Az alábbi kép 2'51"-el korábban készült, csak pont a tér másik oldalát muttja. Nem volt közben bombariadó :)
(The attached pic was made 2'51" earlier about the other side of the piazza.)

Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 12/1/2011
Jó kis utca fotó! Látom nem csak nekem tetszik!:) Úgy látom itt sok a pingvin és kevés a fóka. vagy fordítva?:)
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 11/23/2011
Good shot of a very typical Italian scene, Zsolt! I like the b/w treatment, too. Dave.
Zsolt Radákovits
{K:10376} 11/22/2011
Dear Teunis,
Thnx for your comment, I am happy if you like it. Kindest regards from Hungary
Zsolt Radákovits
{K:10376} 11/22/2011
Dear Vehbi THNX a lot, I am happy... Best wishes from HU Radák
Zsolt Radákovits
{K:10376} 11/22/2011
Dear Ania THNX for your kind comment. Greetings from HU
Zsolt Radákovits
{K:10376} 11/22/2011
Dear Agniva
You are right, but... I waited some time hoped she will leave, but discussed something with the waiter, I could not wait more. My family was moving as usual :). It is one of the most populated square of Roma. I was lucky to miss any cross movers. The left side you can see the other building is dark it would kill the composition. I decided to half the lady to keep the color balance. May I will remove her once but not crop :) See an example :) i can do, just did not have time :)http://www.usefilm.com/Image.asp?ID=461216:) Definitely the pic would be much better without her.
Thanks for your comment. Kindest regards from HU
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 11/22/2011
Beautiful presentatie
Nice in B&W
gr Teunis
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 11/22/2011
Perfect street capture dear Radak. Love great monochorome tones, clear light, wonderful details and great composition. 7/7 All my best wishes. Cheers. vehbi.
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 11/22/2011
They are waiting kinda long, from the bored look of one of them yawning ;) Very nice candid, good b&w!
Best wishes, Ania
Agniv Sengupta
{K:797} 11/22/2011
Nice candid photography. Love the details. 6/7.
Perhaps, the half cropped woman on the left could have been eliminated.