Alessandro Berselli
{K:2920} 9/29/2014
Hi Clay, two houses have to be restored, it isn't simply because it are historical buildings and the restoration works required numerous permits and substantial funding. my best regatds Alessandro.
Alessandro Berselli
{K:2920} 9/28/2014
Hi Paul, this is Refuge Gardetta, it is situate near Gardetta hill, you can reach it from Preit pass (1h) or from Viviere (2h). The place is Val Maira - Cuneo - Italy.-
Clay Boutin
{K:28722} 9/28/2014
Beautiful landscape shot. Looks like part of this place is in ruins.
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 9/27/2014
Beautiful landscape,very nice shot,congratulations.Regards
Paul Freeman
{K:35606} 9/27/2014
I want to go there. Looks like a unique place. Nicely composed photo
a. Scarabeo
{K:16333} 9/27/2014
Interresting and good composition Alessandro. Many great details and a wonderful Sky. Best regards.
socratic irony
{K:809} 9/27/2014
very good photo, congratulations.