{K:4387} 10/27/2015
Beautiful image. I like the field and the movements of the clouds. Wonderful story. Regards.
Ayan Mukherjee
{K:7990} 10/27/2015
Excellent capture Neil like it, regards
Neil Scholes
{K:1919} 10/27/2015
Yes Wolf, it is. The funny thing is I was suffering badly with hay fever while in Hay.
Neil Scholes
{K:1919} 10/27/2015
Thanks Paul. I went from Muswellbrook to Adelaide to Melbourne and back to Muswellbrook. Between the canola, the wattle and the daisies there was yellow everywhere.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 10/27/2015
It looks like spring in Australia :-)
Paul Freeman
{K:35606} 10/27/2015
The field and the sky look wonderful. A beautiful image Neil. I'm hoping to make a trip to Young before the canola has finished flowering. Regards