Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/27/2004
excellent and amazing clouds! I wish there was only the lighthouse and these clouds;
regards Lukasz
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 7/26/2003
Oh I love the colour of that sky, it looks sooooo wonderful!! But what has happened in the foreground? The lighthouse is straight, while the horison is tilting... hm... strange. Perhaps it can be fixed with perspective tool in photoshop?
Alex Belfi
{K:3344} 7/21/2003
Very good view, right moment to take a picture!
Roland Le Gall
{K:7018} 7/19/2003
J'aurais bien vu cette image coupée au niveau de la terre....Le phare seul dans ce ciel superbe, comme on le voit à l'ouverture de l'image, donnerait une atmosphère étrange et dramatique, et un effet trés graphique, IMHO, comme on dit...:-))
r r
{K:1875} 7/18/2003
Awesome sky ! Nice colors and composition. Good work Peter! Regards, P.Bly
Vladislav Klima
{K:3660} 7/18/2003
Nice picture. Excellent contrast (the clouds vs. the lighthouse). Well done.