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Grim Determination #3
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Image Title:  Grim Determination #3
Favorites: 14 
 By: Jamie Ferguson  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Jamie Ferguson {Karma:6284}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon EOS 10D
Categories Sports
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 24-70
Uploaded 8/12/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2001 Shutter
Favorites 14  Aperture f/0
Critiques 53 Rating
/ 35 Ratings
Location City - 
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About Third in the series of community sports people at work.
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There are 53 Comments in 1 Pages
Costin Bordeianu Costin Bordeianu   {K:-46} 4/16/2010
Beautiful shot


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 8/26/2008
Excellent .


Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 8/25/2008
I Can not stop watching this Wonderful photo.
Totally stunning.



ugur cetin ugur cetin   {K:5895} 3/26/2005
superb capture...


po-pad  po-pad     {K:1451} 12/30/2004


Gabrielle Willson   {K:7978} 10/13/2004
This is like a frame from Rocky! Scary


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 9/16/2004
What a superb picture! Im stunned.. Wow! Those expressions are great. There isnt much more to say then.. Congrats of making a superb shot!! 7++ for you!!


Patrick J


Murilo Rafael de Souza   {K:19577} 6/1/2004
Strong shot Jamie! Very very good! Great moment and very interesting colors! Congratulations!

[] Murilo


Brianna Graham   {K:214} 5/28/2004
Absolutely AMAZING!!!


labird 70   {K:46} 5/28/2004
Very very very Spectacular ! Compliments ;)


Viktor Pravdica   {K:4907} 5/28/2004


c c c c   {K:13449} 5/28/2004
This really "pushes the limits" so -to-say! Genius work! I am always amazed to see what can be done with the 10D! Brilliant work!


Jamie Ferguson   {K:6284} 5/28/2004
Yikes! I guess thanks is in order to everyone. Does this mean I have to pay more attention again now? I've been in hiding for ages.


Megan McCluskey   {K:3762} 5/28/2004
Fantastic emotion. Eegads....and you say these two work together! I also like the effect you've given it. It works very well with the graphic nature of their emotions.

: ) megan


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 5/28/2004


Natalie Papadopoulos   {K:5247} 5/28/2004
congrats J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay - I'm so happy for you. I love this pic!
Talk soon,


nenad pesic   {K:1944} 5/28/2004


Miguel Cary   {K:816} 5/28/2004


Wojciech Wandzel   {K:500} 5/28/2004
Relly Nice. Regards.


ken krishnan   {K:19102} 5/28/2004
Thats what I call the "Decisive moment" shot. Right at the moment.

I never know why they want to play ruby. It looks barbaric and phelistine and yet all the educated are into it !!!!. Vargaries of life.

Regards, ken.


Wayne Harridge Wayne Harridge   {K:18292} 5/28/2004
Absolutely fan-bloody-tastic !


B:)liana    {K:30945} 5/28/2004
wow. dear dear Jamie. wonderful capture. bravo
Kisses, Biliana


Alberto Calheiros   {K:2647} 5/28/2004
Fantástico esse momento!


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 5/28/2004
very good capture!!


Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 12/3/2003
Jamie this whole series is just perfect!
Awesome work.


Tim Bowman   {K:1481} 10/5/2003
hope you don't mind but this is now my desktop wallpaper. great shot.


Autumn Ruhe   {K:993} 9/29/2003
GREAT shot!


Zelda Zabrinsky Zelda Zabrinsky   {K:3036} 9/24/2003
Hi Jamie, this is absolutely great


Tracey MacFadden   {K:1066} 9/6/2003
WOW. This one's good too.


Liz Chaffin   {K:546} 9/4/2003
yikes, you have to wouk with them?

great shot


Quantummeter . Quantummeter .   {K:2870} 9/4/2003
Great, great photo. No words, only watching.


Stefan A. F. Kassler   {K:3727} 8/29/2003
Really great shot, very rare! Excellent composition and good background for this photo.
Just one "WOW"! :-) Best Regards, Stefan


matthew kinslow matthew kinslow   {K:2525} 8/28/2003
wow... that's an intense expression on their face... fantastic capture... also thanx for the comment you left me... hehehe I can't really do much for looking up her nose sorry


Amber and Renee    {K:111} 8/14/2003
definately like the agression and power in this shot, very nice :)


Anna Aichinger   {K:4921} 8/13/2003
excellent!!! great capture and toning!!!


Robson Zumkeller Campos   {K:4071} 8/13/2003
Incredible shot! The mood is fantastic, i don?t know how you can do it, but i like it! Congrats!


First Last First Last   {K:6897} 8/13/2003
Nice shot, Jamie! And the composition is very nice also.

Obs: thank you for your comment on my last pic. It was very nice from you.


Marek Krol   {K:9791} 8/13/2003
Great expressions and the 'desaturated' colors work really well (or is it hand toned - I cant quite tell). I think this was posed was it not? the confrontation comes across very naturally though.

I thought that goal post looked familiar too ... couldnt tell if it was aussie rules or rugby, but a quick look at your portfolio cleared that up ;)


Jonathan Wilson Jonathan Wilson   {K:591} 8/13/2003
incredible sense of atmosphere


Carol Watson   {K:5185} 8/12/2003
Holy Testosterone, Bat Man!! That's one wicked cool shot!! You've captured amazing intensity in their expressions. Cool color tones too. Nice work, Jamie!


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 8/12/2003
That's just an incredible shot, their expressions, the sky radiating out from them. I also like the way you toned down the saturation.


peta jones   {K:12615} 8/12/2003
Jamie yo' haf done an excellent job wif th' colour an' composishun. Love them guys, grim an' determined t'kill fo' sho'nuff! Fry mah hide!



Richard Dong   {K:1738} 8/12/2003
Great tones, almost monochromatic. A comic book like appearnce to their poses and expressions. This would make a great photo for a beer ad.


Lena Jenkins   {K:98} 8/12/2003
well..when they stops fighting they can call me : )
love it!


Andre Fersen   {K:1679} 8/12/2003
Great shot, what else to say? As for the 10D, a totally agree about it exposing too bright - I normally underexpose it by a stop or even 1.5


Jamie Ferguson   {K:6284} 8/12/2003
The 10D is a brilliant camera, I use one for work and I rent one from time to time but I still don't own one.. yet, I have lenses even but no body just call me Mr Backwards. Its very responsive, the images are very clean and even at ISO 1600 the images are rather useable. I have a couple of 1600 & 800's in my portfolio recently. Its also lighter and stronger feeling than the D60, exposure metering is prett good but about 1/2 a stop too bright.


Lexie Summers   {K:2027} 8/12/2003
Nice detail in their faces. The intensity is great. How do you like your Canon EOS 10D. That is the camera that I want to get. I am very jealous.


Louise Smith   {K:157} 8/12/2003
Great shot! I love the way the colours darken around the edges leaving the middle bit quite bright. It really adds to the aggression of the players.


Jamie Ferguson   {K:6284} 8/12/2003
Thanks folks, probably wasn't too clear there Roger. They're all from the company I work at, these are promotional shots of our employees all competing in community sporting groups. Just a public relations thing, most of them are blue or white collar normally.


Onur Aydin   {K:9815} 8/12/2003
Holy smoke ! :) Spectacular !


Igor L.   {K:7432} 8/12/2003
Beautiful shot!!!


Roger Cotgreave   {K:15892} 8/12/2003
nailed it with this one James and they are at work, hate to see them when they mean it...very good, regards roger


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 8/12/2003
Hi Jamie,this is excellent.I gotta see the other two now :)Regards,Hakan.




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