Stefan A. F. Kassler
{K:3727} 8/23/2003
Oh NO! An alien mushroom!!!! :-D
Kamil Caban
{K:406} 8/23/2003
it`s a smart way to eliminate white ... You need paper :-) but please do not eat this ! The mashrooms look very dangerous !!!
Jamie Brooks
{K:80} 8/23/2003
Thank you for the comments! I didn't think it looks like mushrooms at first either! Probably because they look so gooey, or greasy! I haven't seen any other mushrooms that look like this, I'm glad I wandered through the woods!
Stefan A. F. Kassler
{K:3727} 8/23/2003
Yes, pizza or cake*g*
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 8/23/2003
yuk good one Jamie, I thought it was a pizza from the thumbnail..well done
Stefan A. F. Kassler
{K:3727} 8/23/2003
At the first view, it looks like a cake! :-) Good photo work. Regards.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 8/23/2003
Good!! Good photo. I am full.