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Pescador Solitario
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Image Title:  Pescador Solitario
Favorites: 4 
 By: Hugo Pierre  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Hugo Pierre {Karma:15692}
Project N/A Camera Model Olympus IS-1
Categories Travel
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 35 - 135mm
Uploaded 9/4/2003 Film / Memory Type Kodacolor Iso 400
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2153 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 83 Rating
/ 62 Ratings
Location City - 
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About I shot this pic while vacationing in Chile. No tripod, no PS. I was caught by its mood.
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There are 83 Comments in 1 Pages
Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 11/12/2008
Great pic and excelent composition.
Regards, Judson.


Sergio  Cárdenas Sergio  Cárdenas   {K:25028} 2/28/2007
Hermosa fotografia, muy bien compuesta con la siluetas del hombre y el volcan de parecer el Osorno desde Frutillar si no me equivoco...
Muchos saludos

pd: gracias por tu comentario, me permitió descubrir tu galería llena de excelentes imágenes, felcitaciones Hugo!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/3/2006
es una foto muy hermosa.. my querido amico!
como esta?!?!

come stai grande hugo?!?!

un abbraccio dal tuo amico italiano che sempre ti pensa!


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 6/4/2005
en mis favoritas. soberbia.


Gennaro Guarino   {K:12372} 3/18/2005


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 9/18/2004
Nice scene Hugo!


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 5/19/2004
lovely and restful.perfect conical mountain


Miguel Martinez   {K:5507} 5/17/2004
Bueno, este pescador no puede soñar un paisaje mejor.
Muy buena composición con semejante Pico delante, y la silueta que integra el elemento humano.
Me parece muy acertado el sector en el que solo hay reflejos del agua.
Con respecto a mi fotografia, te confieso que al darle saturación yo también dudaba de cuanto, y al final preferí darle como un toque mágico, medio irreal, sobresaturado. Pero, al leer tu imagen pensé que se me había ido la mano... viste cómo es esto, un dia la ves y pensás que son los parámetros correctos, al otro día sentís que tenés que cambiar todo!
De todos modos, un abrazo y gracias por brindarme tu opinión!


Patty Morena   {K:16598} 5/14/2004
Hugo, this is absolutely beautiful.
Great colours and light!!!!
(thanks for your comment!!)


Ezequiel Lozada Ezequiel Lozada   {K:17176} 4/21/2004
Excelente Hugo.
Me gustaría saber de qué volcán y lago se trata, en ese mágico mundo Andino de Chile.
Conocés la carretera Austral que va hasta el Gral. Carreras ? Uno de los más impresionantes lugares del mundo.
Te mando un abrazo.


Konstantin Yudintsev   {K:3253} 4/21/2004
Absolutly captivating! Nice fishing there, too? :)
Best Regards,


Ana Pereira   {K:221} 4/14/2004
Wonderfull !!


ken krishnan   {K:19102} 4/13/2004
Thats a great shot. Pity the quality of the print doesn't do justice. Wonderful presence of mind. Well done.


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 4/11/2004
l'onore caro amico è tutto mio..per avere la fortuna di ammirare le tue opere e per averti come amico...è bello incontrarti in questa grande famiglia ti stimo e apprezzo per come sei e per quel che fai..ottimo scatto perfetta composizione e la magica atmosfera rende questa immagine semplicemente fantastica..ciao


Jimmy Payne   {K:21163} 4/2/2004
Hugo, I don't know how I missed this one when browsing your portfolio, but like Hugo de Wolf, I found this one. I think it is one of your best. I am adding it to my favorites.
My best regards to you,


Sean D.   {K:2361} 4/2/2004
A great shot and a great mountain.


August  Retrosesos   {K:1439} 3/31/2004
alucinante, da ganas de volver a la patagonia ( aunque la foto sea del otro lado de los andes )


Taher Bazoun   {K:157} 3/31/2004
i think it is the volcano mountin of japan
smooth and soft very nice pic.


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 3/15/2004
Excellent image. Very good prospective. Bye


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 3/14/2004
Gracias por tu cariños.


Alex Teller   {K:8286} 3/5/2004
Hugo, thank you so much for your kind comments. I like your photos very much and hope to see some new ones soon. Best wishes from Northern California,


Alexey Sapa   {K:27174} 2/29/2004
HUGO! Dear friend! ABSOLUTELY beautiful! PERFECT in all! Art! Great! Masterfully done! My best wishes! Alexey. Admiring...


Sun Shine Sun Shine   {K:6225} 2/25/2004

Este momento es único, casi increíble. Fuiste sensible en captarlo desta manera, neste segundo, con tanta luz( y suave luz) y tanta paz!

Es una favorita, para mí...

Espero que pronto puedas estar, otra vez, en actividad!

Saludos y un fuerte abrazo,


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 2/22/2004
The foreground figure adds to the appeal.


Maya Bylina   {K:5925} 2/13/2004
Very beautiful place & nice composition!
Best regards


Lorenzo Conserva   {K:2415} 2/12/2004
Excellent light and composition!



Alex Teller   {K:8286} 2/2/2004
Absolutely fabulous, so natural, so perfectly captured, I am totally amazed. You are a great artist Hugo, to our delight. Thank you! Gracias!
Best regards from San Francisco, hasta luego, Alex


Irenka Daniluk Irenka Daniluk   {K:8011} 1/29/2004
Great picture, the mountain looks like Fujiyama... The silhouette of the fisherman gives it a special, tranquil mood...


Heather Tomas-Allem   {K:1064} 1/27/2004
Incredible shot!!


Petri Puurunen   {K:3397} 1/26/2004
nice capture, composition is excellent. this looks very professional ;)


Alberto Ferrero   {K:5762} 1/25/2004
Spectacular and emotive shot; congrats, Alberto.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/23/2004
Hi Hugo, Every now and then I have to return to your gallery. Each time I find another intreguing photo. (You've guessed it, this time it's this one that caugth my eye!)

A very impressive scene and a great composition with the fisherman in the foreground. The soft reflection of the top of the mountain in the water is an excellent detail; you can almost hear the silence, only disturbed by the sound of the ripples in the water. Very tranquile and awesome mood; makes you feel really small... There is a strong poetry in this photo, which I find fascinating. Great shot.....




farewell ...!   {K:668} 1/14/2004
dear hugo..
this ones says alot, but without words!


Giancarlo Liguori   {K:5281} 1/13/2004
Very nice composition! Beautiful.

Giancarlo Liguori


Alessandro Berselli Alessandro Berselli   {K:2920} 1/11/2004
Wonderfull, delicate composition and colors. Ciao from italia.


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 1/8/2004
My Friend Hugo: Simply magnificient, Beautiful photograph...God's creation!!!




David Dias   {K:1347} 1/1/2004
Excellent photo. Light and shadow. Great composition. This is a photo I like to take. How about some photos from you.


Rafael Magalhães   {K:20} 1/1/2004
Great shot Hugo!! excelent colours and composition.
Best Regards.


Dave M   {K:9043} 12/28/2003
Very grainy, but effective. The person in the foreground makes the shot. Good work.


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 12/24/2003
Marvelous,Hugo....My best wishes for Christmas to you and to your family, Antonella


Stephen Smith   {K:861} 12/21/2003
Lovely photo Hugo, Wonderful! Regards Steve. Merry Christmas.


Veríssimo Dias   {K:1531} 12/21/2003
Uma boa fotografia, Hugo. Parabéns



Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 12/13/2003
Excellent shot,excellent place,everything is perfect.
Hermozas colores,in Caminito,my camera just took a copy,nothing more.The merit is for the place.If my pictures of glaciar Moreno are beautiful, merit is of the glacier, merit is for Argentina for all that beauty.Mostly unknown,this old side of the world.Yes,I am a fanatic of South America , the place of my choice.


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 12/12/2003
Maravillosa vista, como para un poema de Neruda. Congrats!


Christiane Hancock   {K:1618} 12/10/2003
Here again the Japanese print feel. Wonderful


MCHK 2000   {K:4701} 12/7/2003
Beautiful landscape from Chile, just great!
Do you have more photos to share with us???


Lorenzo Parisi   {K:6277} 12/2/2003
Excellent shot!
I like it a lot.
REgards, Lorenzo


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 11/29/2003
Very atmospheric shot and amazing texture of the light on the water. Image is very grainy, is this due to high ISO number because of the low lighting level?


Shigeyuki Mohara Shigeyuki Mohara   {K:4753} 11/25/2003
When I saw the thumbnail, I thought Mt.Fuji in Japan. Very beautiful view and excellent composition! Thanks,Shige


jon parsons   {K:13639} 11/22/2003
Hugo, this a lovely shot...great work..jon


Quantummeter . Quantummeter .   {K:2870} 11/8/2003
Aca te pasastes !!!. Muy buen trabajo, Hugo. Muy lindos tonos y la exposicion es optima.


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 11/4/2003
Very very beautiful photo! Great composition, Hugo!

(your work is very good too! Thanks for your words about my work! :-))))


Bill Krul   {K:5597} 11/3/2003
Spectacular light on the mountain. Beautiful photo.


Marcio Cabral   {K:12496} 10/26/2003
Wonderful pic Hugo!! regards!!


Gaetan Chevalier   {K:4188} 10/19/2003
Excellent composition with nice colors and details.


Getulio Melo   {K:6481} 10/12/2003
Excellent hue and composition! Nice shot. Congrats and best regards (It's some absurd, to me, to talk to a Latin American brother in english! I would like to know Spanish...)


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 10/11/2003
Well composed, Jan


Khoi Nguyen Khoi Nguyen   {K:8700} 10/9/2003
Beautiful shot. You need to clean up your noisy image though.


Paolo Barthelemy   {K:25552} 10/8/2003
Excellent shot with perfectly balanced tones. Nice man's silhouette. I like the reflection of the shiny clouds over the top of the mountain. Last, but not least, I like the stripes "painted" on the sea surface.
My best regards, Paolo


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 10/3/2003
Great one Hugo. Here the grainy sky works for my taste. The composition is superb and diserve the hight standing!


NN  NN     {K:26787} 10/3/2003
Excellent composition & mood!


JL E JL E   {K:9693} 10/2/2003
Gracias Hugo por comentar mi foto!
Esta tuya es muy buena, me gusta mucho el encuadre y la luz justa que le diste.
El lugar se ve muy tentador. La unica parte de Chile que conozco es Puerto Natales, por el sur, y muy lindo.
Saludos porteños,


Donna Devine   {K:2885} 9/29/2003
Wonderful composition, depth of field, and hues. A strong image with a serene quality.


Mirko Saviane   {K:4588} 9/23/2003
Really nice composition Hugo! Maybe a little grainy in the upper side however nice work! Ciao


André Bermak André Bermak   {K:14443} 9/22/2003
Ótima atmosfera.Excelente composição,luz,textura e tonalidade natural!!!!!!!


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 9/21/2003
Even with the grain I think this one works well like the image great shot and excellent composition.


Joksa Juoperi   {K:13473} 9/21/2003
Nicely composed shot with good colours and silhouette.
Regards, Joksa.


Beatriz Padín   {K:682} 9/14/2003
Interesante silueta del pescador solitario. Lograda imagen de paz y sosiego. Excelente realización.


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 9/11/2003
soberbia.bellisima escena.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 9/8/2003
Fantastic composition with great mood.
Regards, Hayri.


Legolas .   {K:3947} 9/7/2003
very good work Hugo, nice colours, regards


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 9/7/2003
beautiful photo


Maurizio Savini   {K:2174} 9/7/2003
Beautiful composition with great lightning and good silhouette!!!


Uldra Johnson   {K:683} 9/7/2003
You have here some wonderful images with an eternal quality.



Graciela Pierre Graciela Pierre   {K:7318} 9/6/2003
Muy buen ambiente, la silueta lo realza. La composición es perfecta.


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 9/6/2003
Wonderful mood here Hugo! The colours of the sky and the water are beautiful. My best regards,


edmond lisy   {K:10311} 9/5/2003
Great mood and very nice composition !!


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 9/5/2003
Simply a splendid work Hugo, great image.!!!!
My best regard.


Finn Kristensen   {K:1230} 9/5/2003
Real nice mood by the silhuetted man, i guess the high amount of grain could be reduced by PS. Regards


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 9/4/2003
Excellent shot!...Pico-Azores...from the Faial. Right?...The my island is S. Miguel.


T Glow   {K:14955} 9/4/2003
Really a great mood here! nice place & silhouette adds a lot !! Regards,T.


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 9/4/2003
lovely sceene!


Jose Rasquinho   {K:12128} 9/4/2003
Bonita composição!
A ilha do Pico no fundo, ficou excelente.
Um abraço




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