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the halfling...
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Image Title:  the halfling...
Favorites: 6 
 By: peta jones  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  peta jones {Karma:12615}
Project #15 Personal Style Camera Model Olympus 2100
Categories Photoart
Film Format
Portfolio photoart
Lens Nikon  85mm f/1.8D AF Nikkor
Uploaded 10/1/2003 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 3097 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 72 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
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About This is a resubmission, I had previously posted it going out the door, on my return my daughter said it was the wrong version, she likes this better. So sorry for those who commented already! Thank you very much!...

The ears are not photoshoppped...does she really have such ears ? ...that is for you to ponder.;)
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There are 72 Comments in 1 Pages
peta jones   {K:12615} 2/24/2004
Thank you everyone for your great comments, very much appreciated.:) Hugs.


Elena Zabelina   {K:23212} 2/21/2004
Outstanding portrait! So wonderful tone of a photo. Very emotional shot.
Congratulation with POD.
Warm regards,


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 2/21/2004
Congratulations Peta :)))


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 2/21/2004
Magnficent portrait, lovely red tones
The effects were so perfectly applied that it almost looks like a painting.
Absolutely superb work, Peta
Congratulation POTD!


Haleh B   {K:3741} 2/21/2004
It is about time you were given the title! It becomes you!


Sarah Hansegard   {K:4332} 2/21/2004
COngrats on Photographer of the day-Well deserved!! :)



Stephen R. Pellerine   {K:2370} 2/21/2004
Amazing portrait, what I love best.


Shiv Kumar Surya Shiv Kumar Surya   {K:17362} 2/21/2004
Great! Congrates.


Tamara L   {K:1387} 2/21/2004
Congratulations Peta!
I am truly happy for you and I believe that everyone here knows that
award is well deserved.


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 2/21/2004
Congratulations, Peta, you are great, well deserved POTD, thanks for showing us your wonderful art!!


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 2/21/2004
Dear Peta, I could have sworn that I had commented on this wonderful image, I do love the earth tones and the detail in the eyes are wonderful. As far as the ear goes, I have two piercing in one ear, but at least she does hot have piercings all the way from the bottom to the point. Wonderful image and a well deserved Congrats on POTD!


Lida Chaulet Lida Chaulet   {K:3430} 2/21/2004
Hi Peta!
What a beautiful portrait! Beautiful expression and lovely colors.. Fantastic work!
And congratulations on Photographer of the day!
Hugs.. Lida


Pat Fruen Pat Fruen   {K:12076} 2/21/2004
The lighting and rich, saturated colors here are beautiful. The expression on that lovely face and the mystery of those ears just makes it...really, really nice work. Congrats on pod. :)


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 2/21/2004
Peta,nobody more than you deserves this award for the totality of your work.
You are just a great talent both as a photographer and as a graphic,combination which is very rare. My warmest congratulations! Antonella


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 2/21/2004
very beautyful portrait, with great colours/tonality


m.c. lopez   {K:14766} 2/21/2004
splendid portrait indeed


Yoshi Enoki Jr   {K:3021} 2/21/2004
Can I marry her? :-)


Marc Barsoum   {K:1487} 2/21/2004
Simply beautiful ... a painting.


Craig Garland   {K:27077} 2/21/2004
Congrats on POTD Peta! You're one of the best! Cheers. Craig


Monty Emken (Ostracon X)   {K:4804} 1/19/2004
Hey Peta! Thanks for the comments yesterday! I'm glad I got to see them before some of them disappeared. There were quite a few comments that got blown away somehow. Usefilm appeared to be having problems.

Anyway, since I'm a fan of LOTR and just loved all the movies I wanted to tell you that I really like this photo! Well done!!!


Greg Smereczynski   {K:2278} 1/10/2004
those eyes always on my way


Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 12/8/2003
Your photos are so impressive! ?All original and just beautifully done?
Thank you for your nice comments.


Sarah Chatham Sarah Chatham   {K:377} 11/19/2003
This is beautiful (as I quite admire hobbits myself) and am curious how you created the ear. Quite lovely!


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 11/11/2003


Helna    {K:820} 11/3/2003
Like a painting. Just lovely!


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 10/20/2003
Rostro maravilloso, foto hermosa! Bravo, Peta!


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 10/11/2003
So lovely! Very beautiful work, and so nice deep tones! Very cute ear too! ;-)


Ursula I Abresch   {K:6515} 10/9/2003
Peta, your pictures are absolutely beautiful, and your daughter looks like she could live in Hobbiton without problem. The textures you added are perfect for this photo. I think what I like the best though are the colours. Excellent work! I love your pictures.

About the C5050Z, I don't have problems with it in low-light, but I've heard from others that they do have problems. The main problem mentioned is graininess in low light situations. Actually, grain is a complaint in general about the C5050Z. I have mine set to ISO 64 for ALL situations (that's the one setting I do not change). I also set the sharpness, contrast, saturation, normally to -2, -2, +2, but for certain situations I go as far as -5 on sharpness and contrast, +5 on saturation. One setting that's worked well for outdoor (daytime) pictures is sat +5, contr 0, sharpness -5. When I don't have a tripod available (right now my tripod is broken) I try to use the highest f stop vs. shutter-speed that's acceptable (more or less) for handheld (e.g. 1/60). In low-light you absolutely need a tripod, or at the least some place to rest the camera. I use the remote control to fire the camera, or the time setting. Does that make sense? You probably know all of this already.

I must say that there are many things I like about the 5050, but overall I can't say I'm fully happy with it - but I can't quite put my finger on what's bothering me about it. I wish I could buy a digital SLR, but with the lenses it gets quite expensive, and I'll have to wait a little on that one (prices are supposed to come down somewhat).

OK - thanks for you comment! I love your work.



Elizabeth Miller Elizabeth Miller   {K:2766} 10/8/2003
I don't know how I missed this one Peta!! I agree with Richard..Lord of
the Rings material. Love that ear!



Shiv Kumar Surya Shiv Kumar Surya   {K:17362} 10/8/2003
Beautiful portrait.


George Black George Black   {K:102014} 10/7/2003
Re: The Dryad

Oh, Don't do too much . . .


George Black George Black   {K:102014} 10/7/2003

This is fine work, as usual.

I also want to ask about "The Dryad." I had no sooner posted my reaction when she disappeared. Was it something I said? Please bring her back. Here is my original comment--

"Absolutely beautiful! Botticelli would have loved it, too . . .

I greatly admire the technical achievement as well. It is very challenging to create an image like this without seeming to try too hard. But you've succeeded brilliantly. Certainly one of my favorites!



luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 10/7/2003
oh, the halfling!!!!!
Complimenti per tua figlia.
Ti posso presentare gli elfi che ho fotografato io?
Ciao, Luisa


Zé Ovo   {K:7579} 10/6/2003
Very nice work!
Excellent tones and colors!


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 10/6/2003
As this viewer is sooo poorly educated...

He had to check what a 'Halfling' was...

and came across the following:

"When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the Dragon..." and " just have to outrun the halfling."

The two phrases are placed upon a tee-shirt... fore and aft... or is it back to front... well am sure you will get my meaning...

The treatment that you have applied...

lends both curiosity and pleasure...

and results in one that will be

remembered for the HALFLING and not a Haflinger!


. .   {K:16329} 10/5/2003
There?s Halfling in the mischievousness of the eyes, so the ears must not be real. A Halfling disguised as an Elf? I ?ve heard they do that....especially when they?re up to no good. As for the trickery? I suspect the Faerie Queene?s got the camera again! Wonderful, Peta!!

My ?not Eden? is of a furnace door/gate [for a stream boiler] on a old logging train; a gate to Hades in my mind?s eye. The Dylan you quote is the exact stanza that sang through my head the moment I saw it.......even before I had the camera in hand. It?s the gate we?re headed through, ?riding side saddle on the Golden Calf?, when we follow the false prophets [?utopian hermit monks?] of an earthly paradise. Thank you for the comment. You made my day! Of all the pixies you are certainly the dearest!

[Speaking of things magical and musical have you ever heard Donovan?s ?Legend Of A Girl Child Linda?? I have it with Joan Baez, Mimi, and Judy Collins. Somehow I think you might like it, although it?s a bit of a period piece.]


Dave M   {K:9043} 10/5/2003
Such a carefully balanced and subtle portrait. Very well done, Peta. Ode to LOTR? ;-)


Naty Z   {K:16436} 10/5/2003
outstanding work Peta! reminds me of some paintings...

But...have I got to tell my cousin he has to wait for an elf? ;)


Jeffrey Damron   {K:229} 10/4/2003
Great - probably the best hobbit portrait I've ever seen! From the warm tones to the lighting to the expressive eyes to the painterly texture, this is perfect.


Anna    {K:2994} 10/4/2003
Peta: this is a VERY special wonderful portrait... and I wonder why you didn?t submit it much earlier!
The colors, her expression and the crop are simply wonderful!


Richard Blount   {K:8015} 10/4/2003
I have just watched the DVD of Lord of the rings, the two towers and have elves in my mind right now, this image would fit right in very well, I like the composition and the great work you have done on this even if not applied to the ears, I like her eyes which are very vivid and clear which gives me a feeling that I want to keep looking into them, I really love this picture in every way, well done Peta, great work - Richard.


Joksa Juoperi   {K:13473} 10/4/2003
Excellent portrait with nice details, colours and effect.
Regards, Joksa.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 10/3/2003
Wow.. great portrait. very strong. good one. I love her expression in her eyes. Wonderful dear Peta, as usual. bravo. Hm, She looks just like You ;-)
Did I tell you that I am working in a Library lol ;-)
Kiss, Biliana


Craig Garland   {K:27077} 10/2/2003
Peta; I was sure I rated and commented on this photo last night, but must have forgotten to hit the "submit" button-- glad I looked again as this is a cool take. As a Star Trek fan, I first thought Vulcan, and then that Halloween is coming, but most seem to think of Tolkiens Hobbitts-- the warm tones are great. Anyway, I like it. Thanks for rating my latest boat reflection photos-- maybe I've overdone them for UF, but I'll keep shooting them for myself;>) Cheers. Craig


Debra Griffin-Ibrahim   {K:7119} 10/2/2003
Peta, You do such lovely work!!!
You are admired!!!
Beautiful Image!!


Carol Watson   {K:5185} 10/2/2003
What a fun shot! Her expression is very "elfin" and the textured overlay is perfect for the subject! Love the tossled hair and the earth tones. Looks like something out of Tolkien. :-)


Lissa Hatcher   {K:3006} 10/2/2003
This is a lovly capture outstanding feeling coming from this image it has so much heart and hope . The tones on this are great the almost liquid light feel ... Outstanding !


Jim McNitt   {K:11246} 10/2/2003
" 'We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can't think what anybody sees in them...' " --Bilbo.

Peta, it's ears like this what gets hobbits in trouble. Incredible! --Jim


Arthur Z   {K:5328} 10/2/2003
Fabulous image Peta...there's a tasteful aged quality about it...and your model's's stunning.....! I love her hair :) And her ears :)


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 10/2/2003
Not only a perfect portrait, Peta, but an enigma as well?
Oh, eyes. You go for it.
You are so good, so very creative. The tones, the art work. Everything is so beautiful, my friend, that it is almost impossible to comment it. Hugs, Marília
PS: could e-mail me about the ears? :)


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 10/2/2003
Beautiuful your style mood and regards


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 10/2/2003
Magnificent portrait! Congrats Peta!


- simos -   {K:9354} 10/1/2003
Good....regards, simo


Lou Verruto   {K:1375} 10/1/2003
I'm liking these images a LOT Peta. Very warm and inviting.


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 10/1/2003
A great work, the tone.....Anna
PS: still up:-))...tell me about the ear.......


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 10/1/2003
This has the feeling of the old world pictures. Guess we will just wonder about the ears. Very nice work. Don.


Jose Marques   {K:473} 10/1/2003
Very good work!


Jamie Ferguson   {K:6284} 10/1/2003
Beautiful red tones, almost enough to make me think it was painted. This is rather uncanny, does she have hairy feet as well? Lets hope not ;)


Carla Pires   {K:10713} 10/1/2003
Nice portrait Peta. Excellent light and colors. Congrats! :)


david malcolmson   {K:4145} 10/1/2003
An arresting gaze...and an arresting image. Just back from fairy land? Best wishes, David


Rich tones picture with beautiful model.Well done ,Peta.Regards,AdamO


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 10/1/2003
WOW! so beautiful!!!!!!


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 10/1/2003
Beautiful mood! Congrats!


C. Gull   {K:509} 10/1/2003
Very well composed and textured.


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 10/1/2003
I like the way you added a texture to this image, it reminds me a Flemish painting and in some way the works of my friend Benedetto Riba, I think you know him. It's a good portrait, originally reworked, her expression is very nice, I love her ears! Bye Max


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 10/1/2003
Wonderful rich tones, Peta. Excellent composition.
You've really got me wondering about those ears!
Did you watch a lot of Strar Trek movies when you were expecting your daughter?!!
Great piece of work!
Kind regards, Chris.


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 10/1/2003
Beautiful portrait


Aykan OZENER Aykan OZENER   {K:5996} 10/1/2003
Beatiful feace.Very strange and beatiful ear.Exellent looks.Cong...


Kala Wlodarczyk   {K:2567} 10/1/2003
nice :)


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 10/1/2003
Very nice portrait. I think that this is repost. But really it is good seen again.
Regards, Hayri.


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 10/1/2003
I like the texture you have applied very much - it is so appropriate for this photo. Can you tell us what it is?


Alfonso&Daniela Fortino Alfonso&Daniela Fortino   {K:2869} 10/1/2003
it looks like a painting.superb portrait and wonderful tones.ciao alfonso




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