Jose Santiago
{K:2} 12/7/2003
Great Photo! I love the grain surgery, how exactly did you get it so smooth?
Bernt Carlzon
{K:554} 10/11/2003
Thanks a lot everybody! Don?t forget the Womens Socker World Cup final sunday evening. Heja Sverige!!!
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 10/8/2003
Magnificant image! Color and tones of are outstanding. Great details. Great creation. Congrats!
Anna Aichinger
{K:4921} 10/8/2003
awesome shot brent!!! macs kick ass, huh?;))
Former Member
{K:1287} 10/8/2003
Cool Bernt!! we all recodnize those nightshifts :)
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 10/8/2003
fantastic work! regards.
Natalie Papadopoulos
{K:5247} 10/8/2003
this is fantastic!
Ali Jabbar
{K:519} 10/8/2003
great idea .. fantastic photo
Debra Griffin-Ibrahim
{K:7119} 10/7/2003
Bernt Carlzon
{K:554} 10/7/2003
Thank you all for the kind comments! Daniel: Correct, both pictures is taken with my new amazing pocketcamera Canon Power Shot G5. Plus a little exaggerated ?Grain Surgery? work.
Pascal Renoux
{K:4077} 10/7/2003
good !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daniel Knutsen
{K:3871} 10/7/2003
This is great Bernt!!! It's nice to see how you look "now adays"! Is this one taken with your new camera?! You must have used NI on this one hah?! Looks like it...
PLEASE BERNT! Let me have your Mac!!!! ;)
t chamberlain
{K:638} 10/7/2003
Very original.... Good work. tc
Patricia Eifel
{K:5097} 10/7/2003
Beautiful light and detail in the portrait. Juxtaposition with the Mac, etc. makes an interesting composition.
shelby koning
{K:5450} 10/7/2003
The portrait itself seems timeless and the inclusion gadgetry in the background makes this a very unique and interesting character study, seems the character on the screen is sharper than anything else, forcing a change in perspective. Great work!
Carla Pires
{K:10713} 10/7/2003
It's a very nice photo. So clear, very nice details, excellent b&w, terrific composition So... it's just a great photo. Congrats! :)
Alan Orr
{K:9671} 10/7/2003
Very nice. Very interesting composition, nice tone.
Andi Ionita
{K:765} 10/7/2003
I have to see it again because i like it alot. Great, great picture.
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 10/7/2003
Excellent shot and the tone is perfect
Andi Ionita
{K:765} 10/7/2003
Great portrait, i like it alot how u use the light. And yes? It`s digital or film?
Eric Bumgarner
{K:1229} 10/7/2003
that looks awesome! digital or film? I like the way its so soft.