A night scene at the University of Arizona. It's funny...my first deliberate adventure with night photography and people were already asking me what I was taking pictures of. People think you need daylight to use a camera...silly humans:)
I have been browsing around your portfolio and this one is to me the most attractive picture, wich tells a story, well taken, good composition, ... For the rest of your portfolio I must say well done, they all in fact all good photographs. Thank you for visiting my photographs, and your comment.
steve, so far i really enjoy night photography...and i've only done my first roll. it is very rewarding...you get images you would NEVER get in day time. it is quite hard to meter correctly though...some parts have excessive shadows while others are quite bright. the invention of the spot meter was an incredible act of genius
i'll be posting a few more from this roll soon...i have to reshoot some though - one of the index cards i was using to keep side lights from flaring is slightly visible in some of them.