gio4love .
{K:14469} 3/17/2005
Brava Katia! Hai focalizzato bene l'uomo mettendo il resto fuori fuoco o comunque deformandolo. Se non disperazione questa foto trasmette comunque molta solitudine. A presto. Giovanni
E.J. Billy Kim
{K:745} 12/12/2003
Like many faceless faces in my life I tend to breeze them by with no emotion or guilt and yet when I'm stoped at that light and he comes by I can't look at him striaght in the eye, try to look busy or looking at something else...I feel like I'm ashamed of something...only when he passes by then I'm able to look in the mirror. It just makes me think about stuff...
you know just stuff...
Carol Watson
{K:5185} 12/2/2003
Marvelous idea and capture. The blur and haze is perfectly appropriate given the subject of your photo. Terrific street shot! Bravo!
Marian Coman
{K:132} 12/1/2003
Ciao Katia, il mio vecchio fotografo si riflette nello specchio della sua macchina fotografica, un po' come il tuo personaggio.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 11/25/2003
A differenza degli scatti simili, questo ha un significato profondo e molto triste e non è un puro esercizio fotografico. L'immagine di quell'uomo tra quelle auto "indifferenti" è di una infelicità unica, mi piace che tu lo abbia discretamente ripreso di spalle, almeno gli è rimasta questa forma di rispetto. Ciao Max
augusto mario cunha
{K:19049} 11/24/2003
Painting is not a profession (meaning that it does not support you) but a life of hardship and hunger all over the world.
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 11/24/2003
Yes it works just fine Katia The message gets through The effect from the mirror makes this very special
charlie f. kohn
{K:25919} 11/24/2003
katia, our societies don't seem to be prepared to cover the needs of all of us, despite all sociology and philosophy that has thought and taught and written and spoken about it. as long as we were able to talk about the population of the biggest country in the world "the others" it was a fine pasttime to contemplate about clochards and the poor. now we seem to have reached another time...
thank you for your kind comment on 'up or out' besos charlie.f.kohn@sixpence-pictures.com // madrid
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/24/2003
una bella idea.. molto ben realizzata!!! purtroppo non so molto l'inglese e non ho molto capito l'about... a presto roby
Jose Rasquinho
{K:12128} 11/24/2003
Here is the same!!! Good capture of a sade reality Katia. Regards.
Gianluca Ferlito
{K:725} 11/24/2003
originale, ottimo effetto.
bur is
{K:1596} 11/24/2003
Its a great photo. Your idea is very original. regards
{K:30945} 11/24/2003
Very interesting point of VIEW dear Katia ;-) I would like to see his face, but I think that you are so right photographying like this, not touching his intimicy and privacy ;-) Kisses, Biliana PS. it is my passion for LIFE ! ;-) uf!