Jaco Franken
{K:33} 2/17/2004
Helder, this is amazing, the defenition is incredibly focused. You are right my negative is a bit dirty, but still this is a far better capture. Regards - Jaco
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 2/11/2004
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 1/28/2004
Se ainda estou certo isto é um pavão, muito colorido, com muita pose.Linda foto. Abraço, jorge
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 1/27/2004
caríssimo...acho que ficou fabulosa!!! grande foto.
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 1/27/2004
Beautiful clear shot. Congratulation.
Andrej V
{K:6693} 1/23/2004
Amazing colors, great captured and perfect background... Why did you croped it? Wouldn't it be more perfect if you would leave the bird uncroped? Andrej
Johnny K
{K:12635} 1/23/2004
Very vivid colors !
Geraldo Ferreira
{K:548} 1/22/2004
Very well done. Color magnific. Nice composition.
Regards from Mato Grosso
Chris Wenzel
{K:1165} 1/22/2004
Wow, fantastic colors. Nice management of DOF. Maybe it could use a crop? The top seems a little empty to me. Well maybe not, I don't know. I like the trees in the background as well and wouldn't want to lose those.
Zach Golden
{K:381} 1/22/2004
Nice shot. beautiful colors, nice composition..very well done. ~zack