Taras R. Hnatyshyn
{K:4055} 4/23/2004
Very well executed lunar image.
{K:5381} 2/12/2004
That's quite an amazing shot. Great sharpness and detail. Fantastic shadow too.
Well done.
Robert Elias
{K:1281} 2/12/2004
I like this a lot< beautiful form, detail, light. Was this shot through a telescope, How long was the exposure?. Thanks for your comment on my Another Shell Bridge image, I appreciate your input. Oh, Yeah; now I see it -1000mm & 1/110, nice! Robert
Robert Elias
{K:1281} 2/12/2004
I like this a lot< beautiful form, detail, light. Was this shot through a telescope, How long was the exposure?. Thanks for your comment on my Another Shell Bridge image, I appreciate your input. Robert
A Brito
{K:10699} 1/28/2004
fantastic !!!
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 1/27/2004
Splendida senza altri commenti ad avvalorare la bellezza ed il mistero di questa foto!!! Nelle mie favorite subito!!
Graciela Pierre
{K:7318} 1/27/2004
Excellent shot! Great details and textures. I hope some day I can shoot a picture like this. Regards from Buenos Aires
Michel van der Meij
{K:76} 1/27/2004
Just wondering, when I look at the moon through a telescope I can also see the shadowed part of it (of course much darker than the light part) and the border between light and shadow is much sharper than on this picture. Did you do any PS work on this one?
Todd Wedgworth
{K:3433} 1/27/2004
awsome details. great use of natural light.
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 1/27/2004
wonderful!!! regards Jani
Andrej V
{K:6693} 1/27/2004
Good focused! Great dof of our satelite! Andrej
Andrea Biscosi
{K:5387} 1/27/2004
Splendida immagine! Che eleganza. Andrea
Marusnik Bela
{K:11611} 1/27/2004
Excellent work with perfect details, very good photo!Congrats!
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/27/2004
Wow! Super sharp! Congrats on an excellent photo.
hande s.
{K:189} 1/27/2004
well.. it's detailed :) you've captured the details really well, they are clear and it looks wonderful.
Johnny K
{K:12635} 1/27/2004
Wonderful details !! Waiting for the full moon ! wondeful portfolio nice macro collection !
Domenico Pescosolido
{K:10022} 1/27/2004
Non sono un esperto di fotografia astronomica ma questa e' veramente molto bella, e poi visto che ormai tutti guardano a Marte perche' dimenticarci della nostra cara vecchia Luna? Ciao Domenico.
L B.
{K:13965} 1/27/2004
Did you do this with a photocamera?? Wonderfull so detailt. You can actually see the moonkraters! Really a superb picture. Greets, Lex
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 1/27/2004
Giuseppe, great macro photo,composition and light (EXELLENT) bravo!! regards riny koopman.
Abeer Al Jarsh
{K:10209} 1/27/2004
excellent shot well detailed well done