Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/10/2005
Lennart Åström
{K:98} 2/16/2004
Thank you all for your kind comments. Tim! It?s an Epson flatbed, don?t know the model nr.
Tim Donnel
{K:1072} 2/8/2004
Lennart, What type of scanner do you use? The details in the shadows here are magnificent. Composition is 1st Rate. You get a Boo-Yah from down Minneosta way for this!
Petri Puurunen
{K:3397} 2/7/2004
very good! nice dramatic lighting, good composition and good details!
Lennart Åström
{K:98} 2/7/2004
Thanks to you all for your comments. It was an early morning and very cold. The foreground is ice, actually.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 2/7/2004
Great. Here the two main elements are the bright soft sky and the dark hard textured ground. The composition between these two parts is very good because of the high contrast between them. Good quality without noise or other pixel problems. Very good clarity at the sky.
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 2/7/2004
Fantastic colors, the reflexes are good, too. Beautiful composition. Congrats Carmem
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 2/7/2004
beautiful capture....great colors
Lars Raun
{K:1701} 2/7/2004
stunning !! looks abit pixelated near the horizon, but otherwise superb colors and nice perspective.