Jorg Reif
{K:16020} 3/4/2004
It is a lilly, the background is its spotted leaf. Regards Jorg
Michael Wagner
{K:298} 3/4/2004
Very excellent orchid. Was this taken in the wild? You did a nice job of controlling the background.
Brigitte Kaeser
{K:3502} 2/29/2004
Hallo Jörg Eine exzellente Darstellung einer Natternzunge. Das ist ein Liliengewächs, oder? Ist das die botanische Form der Ophioglossum vulgatum? In echt habe ich noch keine gesehen. Super Tiefenschärfe, wunderbarer Hintergrundkontrast. Danke für Deine Kommentare zu einigen von meinen Bildern. Du erwähnst manchmal, dass etwas Helligkeit oder Licht fehlt und man das mit ps beheben könnte. Das habe ich teils versucht, die Bilder waren noch unterbelichteter. Sobald ich aber mehr Helligkeit darauflegte, strahlte besonders die weisse und rote oder orangene Farbe, so dass ich ein eher zu dunkles Bild in Kauf nahm. Hast Du noch einen detaillierteren Vorschlag? Gerne werde ich es dann ausprobieren. Besten Dank und freundliche Grüsse nach Übersee. Brigitte
Harald Felgentreu
{K:2096} 2/29/2004
nice composition and colors cheers harald
{K:8657} 2/28/2004
great shot
神 風
{K:10665} 2/27/2004
A very intricate and fascinating floral indeed captured quite well especially in relation to it's most petite size as stated, but I most humbly think the composition could be improved by taking the stem straighter to the lower left-hand corner and of course the two different sizes of it's main petals is what caused this to be a tricky shot ... Yes/No?
While the clarity is also quite superb I believe I see a bit of noise in the bg throughout but not to a very noticeable degree although a very slight 5% jpg cleaning could have been applied ... Yes/No?
All-in-all and most respectfully this is a great shot, but do those Macro Lights by Canon cause a flare at times such as in the lower right-hand corner which you have to be diligent with although can be dusted out?
My compliments to the Photographer more than the equipment utilized therefore straight sixes at the minimum most admirably and I also offer the attached for review.
Best of Regards!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 2/27/2004
when I saw the thumbnail I tought it was a butterfly ... it is not but it is quite a lovely shot!!! regards.
Telmo Domingues
{K:9639} 2/27/2004
Excelent use od DOF! Perfect colors in a nice composition... I like this a lot!
Kirill Nikitin
{K:122} 2/27/2004
Nice macro. This flower something like on an insect:))
David Siller
{K:1317} 2/26/2004
Incredible macro, great colors, almost no DOF... Congrats and thanks for your comment...
Budi Santoso Agung P
{K:236} 2/26/2004
wow..wonferful dof and excellent color...congratulation regards budi
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 2/26/2004
Nice tones, clarity a bit fuzzy.
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 2/26/2004
Great macro, Jorg, with excellent colors and DOF choice. You may try cropping out a bit of the upper part...just an idea. Congrats! Best regards, Paolo
{K:1984} 2/26/2004
excellent macro. congrats:)
Johnny K
{K:12635} 2/26/2004
Perfect DOF !!!
Che C
{K:763} 2/26/2004
Wow. Nice macro shot. Wonderful details on the flower. And excellent camera gear too!
Ali Hilfi
{K:390} 2/26/2004
I like the depth of field and the contrast of colors.. well done.
Marusnik Bela
{K:11611} 2/26/2004
Good details, well composed, excellent used DOF!Congrats!