Joe Teng
{K:16723} 1/20/2005
Amazing! water is blue! picture is sharp as well. you caught a difficult shot, well done!
Danijel Micka
{K:2532} 3/10/2004
Great pic, very dynamic.
Andrea Ranalli
{K:485} 3/9/2004
Ciao Giuseppe, sono venuto a vedere le tue foto dopo aver letto il tuo gentile commento alla mia :-) Devo dire che questo scatto e' molto bello. Dove lo hai fatto? Mi piacerebbe prima o poi cimentarmi anche con la foto di surf. Ciao Andrea
Amit Saha
{K:3131} 3/8/2004
nice capture...clear n crisp...but i feel the crop is a bit tight...good work
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 2/29/2004
Excellent photograph and a very difficult one to take - you made a fantastic capture
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 2/29/2004
Beautiful capture Guiseppe, makes me wish i was there ;-) Greetings Neil
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 2/28/2004
vedo ora ...incominci in uf...benvenuto siamo a secco di fotografi sportivi sono molto contento del tuo arrivo..alle prossime Gino
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 2/28/2004
Giuseppe grande scatto una foto hel suo genere perfetta i colori la rendono ancora più bella un poster complimenti Gino PS l'tua attrezzatura è da professionista lo sei?? Gino
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 2/28/2004
great capture Giuseppe, very nice pic, but you should really considre resizing the pic, it is really too small the much effecting its perfectness. regard,
Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 2/28/2004
You really captured the action here , welll done
john amore
{K:14015} 2/28/2004
stunning a wonderful sports photo its one of the best I ever have seen John
Les Perry
{K:319} 2/28/2004
Nice capture of a difficult subject. Good exposure. Perhaps a bit more on bottom would of given more room for surfer to be moving into and enhanced the feeling of action more. Best Regards Les